
Affinity:Chaoschapter 428: shall we?


All five of them attacked at the same time, Grey using two inscriptions to attack as well.

He deflected the attacks of the Fire, Lightning, and Wind Elementalist, while using his superior speed to dodge the attack of the Water Elementalist.

Bang! Bam!

Although Grey was fighting against four people, he was still able to fight them to a stalemate. There are times where he was affected by their attacks, but he had been able to keep himself fairly safe.

Seeing how Grey is able to keep up with them, the group couldn't help but feel apprehensive. Other than the first time they were able to get a good strike at him, they haven't been able to replicate it.

"Captain." One of the ladies looked at the Water Elementalist a little worriedly.

"Don't worry, just stay calm. We'll break through his defense eventually," The captain reassured the others.

He found Grey's performance impressive, nothing more. If he were to focus on only defending, then he wouldn't have a problem with holding out against a group of four.

'What really matters is how long he can hold on for,' He thought to himself.

After getting reassured by the captain, the group calmed down and continued their routine attacks, making sure to always attack with precision.

Grey focused fully on defending, with the help of the two inscriptions he made, as well as his insane speed, he was dodging and blocking most of their attacks with his.


The Wind Elementalist yelled while raising both hands.

A strong wind current suddenly sprang up from the ground where Grey was standing.

Having experienced this thing before, Grey used the earth element to merge his feet with the ground, making it impossible for the rising tornado to pick him off the ground.

"A Multi-Elementalist!" The captain exclaimed when he saw this, surprise evident in his voice.

The others also noticed it the same time the captain noticed it, and shock was written all over their faces. This was the first time any of them was seeing a Multi-Elementalist, so their reaction was expected. But like the seasoned veterans they were, they quickly resumed their offense, this time, with more ferocity.

Boom! Bang! Bam!

The battle started intensifying, the pressure Grey was facing naturally increased with the intensity of the battle. Although he had multiple elements, he couldn't attack with all of them at the same, at most, four elements.

He would train on it on some occasions, this was why he had been able to increase the number of elements to four.

While defending, he focused on the captain and turned the ground where he was standing into mud.

Being taken unaware, the captain lost his balance, almost falling face first forward.

Grey followed up with another attack, but the trio attacked him simultaneously, not just them, even the captain who was falling attacked since he knew Grey would attack him when he lost his balance. His attack was off though since he didn't know the exact location Grey was standing since his eyes were currently facing the ground.

On seeing all three attacks, Grey was stuck between forcibly taking an attack then using the opportunity to kill the captain. It didn't take him up to a second before he came up with a decision.

He suddenly blinked twice, before disappearing to the shock of the trio who attacked him.


An explosion rang out the moment he disappeared, when the trio turned to look, they saw a big dust cloud rising in the position where the captain was previously located.

"What?" Grey's surprised voice could be heard from the dust.

Swoosh! Bang!

Grey flew out of the dust cloud, crashing into the ground.

"Everyone, spread out your spiritual senses. There's a technique he uses that gives him unparalleled speed," The captain's voice came out from the dust as it was starting to settle down.

When the group looked, they saw the captain covered in ice armor that had cracks all over, and blood could be seen coming out from the side of his mouth. They heaved a sigh of relief when they saw that he was fine, although slightly injured.

Grey stood up from the rubble he was in, after dusting his body, he looked straight at the captain of the group. He couldn't believe his space element was detected.

'He didn't detect it, he only sensed the ripples in space when I was coming out from the tunnel. I'm still not as good with the space element as I thought,' he thought while staring in the direction of the captain.

From what the captain said, he was able to ascertain that he didn't know of the space element. Grey could only attribute the captain sensing it to luck.

"How unfortunate, but I have to ask, how did you sense me?" Grey asked before walking forward.

His robe has long since exposed his face after this attack. Even when he was lifted into the air by the tornado previously, and some parts of his clothes burning, the part covering his face was okay.

"Easy, I kept my spiritual senses out while we were fighting. I've been wondering how you managed to get past the passageway without touching the array, you not only passed through it, but you also managed to save someone while you were at it," The captain said with a smile, before adding, "I sensed something when the kid disappeared so I wanted to confirm my suspicion,"

Grey looked at the captain who had a proud expression on his face, he couldn't deny it, he was surprised that this man was able to sense the space ripples.

'Looks like some people are generally more sensitive to the space element.' He was a little surprised by this discovery.

"I never thought you'd be so young," The captain said.

Grey shrugged, not replying. After walking a little closer to the group, he smiled before spreading out his hand, "Shall we?"

The captain nodded to his group and they spread out once again, attacking as soon as they spread out.

Boom! Bam! Bang!

After all four of them attacked, they were surprised to see Grey's inscriptions attacking him as well.

What happened next stunned the group.