
Affinity:Chaoschapter 424: people will be people

"Huh, it's shut?" Grey stared at the door.

After the array lit up the first time, the door closed shut. Grey didn't take note of it since he was more focused on how Ellis was going to escape, and how the array worked.

'I guess I have no choice.' He thought.

With that thought, he sat down crossed leg. For now, he didn't plan on following them, once the group gets past the array, he might decide to go then, but for now, he didn't want to involve himself with them.

While Grey was sitting down, the group continued advancing.

"Captain, look, he isn't coming along," One of the ladies in the group informed the captain of Grey's strange behavior.

The captain looked at him but quickly focused on the path ahead of them.

"Forget about it, we should focus on what's more important," He said.

"What if he's only waiting for us to bring the item out before he attacks us?" One of the men asked.

"Then, he will have to lose his life," The captain said with confidence.

"Hehe, if you say so captain," Another man said while licking his lips.

"Sir… can… can I rest?" Ellis' weak voice came from ahead of them.

"Keep moving, the arrays are restoring," The captain said, not even bothering about how haggard Ellis currently looked from the multiple near-death encounters from the array's attacks.

From Grey's estimate, they were currently almost halfway through the trap array. If not for his suspicion, he would be certain that Ellis would definitely die from the shock of all the residual attacks that were hitting him, but his suspicion is saying otherwise.

"If we continue at this rate, I'll die before we even get to the other side," Ellis begged with tears in his eyes.

"Don't worry, you won't die, you've been surviving till now, haven't you?" The captain said before taking a step towards Ellis, his murderous gaze sweeping his entire body.

Ellis felt chills from the gaze and took a step back.

With no choice, he was forced to continue moving forward.

Boom! Bang! Bam!

The attacks kept ringing out, sometimes they would be followed by Ellis' pained cries.

Grey, who was sitting by the side, opened his eyes to look at the pitiful-looking Ellis.

'Could it be that he only has a knack for escaping at the last moment?' He asked himself when he saw blood on the body of Ellis.

He watched them for a little further, contemplating if he should step in to help Ellis or not. From how Ellis looked, he didn't think he could endure any further.

On the passageway.

"Sir, please, any more and I'll truly die," Ellis burst out crying while holding onto the leg of the captain.

His eyes were already starting to close, there are signs of blood in them, he was bleeding from his nose, mouth, and ears. He could still hear the ringing sound of the attacks exploding from the ground.

"We're already close to the end of the passageway, six meters more. You wouldn't die now when your goal is right in front of you, would you?" The captain asked.

"I don't want to die, but I can't go any further, or else I might die," Ellis continued begging.

"Hmm, I really want you to rest, but you see, the array is already starting to recover, if you don't move in the next two minutes, then the person standing at the back would die from the attack. You don't want that right?" The captain asked with a smile.

"Damn it, since you say so, then why don't we all die together?" Ellis let go of his leg, a crazed look appearing on his face.

Since the captain wanted to kill him, he wasn't going to take a step forward. He was certain that at least five or even six of the eight people in the group would die if they want to pass through. Then there's still the return journey.

The captain looked at the crazed Ellis, and he was sure he would not move anymore. Presently, he was caught between two minds, either he sacrifices one of his members at the back so they could wait for Ellis to recover, or he forced Ellis to move forward.

Both choices come with a huge disadvantage, especially Ellis dying. If Ellis dies, then there's no hope for them to return. But if he sacrifices any of his members, then he would lose the trust of his comrades.

He turned to look at his group, they all heard the conversation between Ellis and their captain, and the one who was more scared was the guy standing at the back of the group.

"Does any of you have any healing tonic?" The captain asked.

"No, we used them when we first entered this place, and that time we helped this moron," One of the ladies said, pointing at Ellis at the end of her speech.

"*Sigh* Fine, I'll go to the back, you better recover quickly," The captain decided to be the one to stand at the back.

He managed to get to the back without stepping outside the place they used in coming here. Since two people couldn't stand in the same position, he had to maneuver there at the risk of dying.

His comrades all felt warm on seeing the gesture of their captain, especially the guy at the back.

A minute later.

"Tell the boy to move," The captain said.

"I still need to rest," Ellis said.

He was not only hurt but he was also exhausted, moving any further is currently impossible for him.

"If he doesn't move, I'm not going to be the only one to die, but everyone else," The captain said.

When the group heard this, they felt he was correct since Ellis could decide not to move until all of them dies.

"Move!" The man at the front shoved Ellis forward, not bothering about his condition.

"No, please!" Ellis screamed, but he couldn't stop himself from moving forward after being pushed forward.



The explosion was followed by Ellis' scream, but for some reason, the scream sounded longer than the group thought.

When the explosion died down, a look of extreme shock appeared on their faces.

"People will be people,"