
Affinity:Chaoschapter 421: grey's fear

"You better be telling the truth, or else my death will be on your head," Ellis finally decided to trust Grey since he said he wouldn't let him die.

Although, he didn't really agree on his free will. If not for Grey saying the chances of him escaping was low, then he would've run away by now.

Grey nodded before moving a few meters away.

"Walk around, from what I've seen, it seems to only attack after sensing movements," He said to Ellis.

Ellis gulped in fright, shaking a little from the fear. He looked at the distance between himself and Grey and started moving in his direction.

Since the beast would be able to attack when he's moving, then it didn't matter what direction he faced. Besides, the closer he is to Grey, the safer he feels.

While walking in Grey's direction, he noticed how serious he was, this reassured him that Grey was throwing his life away.


Ellis suddenly heard Grey's voice, but Grey was nowhere to be seen. Without delaying any further, he hastily dived forward, moving away from where he was standing.

Boom! Bang!

Two attacks rang out in the same place, at almost the same time, but the second one was only a second slower than the first attack.

Ellis was sensible enough to create a water sphere to protect him from the aftereffects of the attacks.

Swoosh! Bam!

Another attack shot into the dust that was still in the process of rising completely. The sound of the attack hitting something rang out.

Crash! Bang!

A slightly large shadow flew out of the dust, crashing into the ground.

A smaller shadow shot out of the dust very quickly, heading in the direction that the first shadow crashed.

Boom! Bam! Bang!

Grey immediately released a barrage of attacks on the shadow that first came out. He hadn't gotten a proper view of it, but what was important was immobilizing it.


Rumble! Boom!

A large rumbling sound resonated after the creation squeaked loudly. But it was followed by another attack from Grey.


The beast squealed in pain.

On hearing the squeal, Grey suddenly froze, recalling a treacherous bunny he saw in the trial land.

"Crap! I hate these things!" He exclaimed, although he said hate, one could actually sense a little bit of fear in his voice.

The dust soon died down, and the beast appeared in Grey and Ellis' view.

"A mole," Ellis said while looking at the mole which was still squealing in pain.

Grey heaved a sigh of relief, although he had seen the tail of a rat-like creature previously, he still had a terrible fright when he heard it squealing.

For some reason, Grey actually has a built-in fear of bunnies since his last encounter with that particular bunny. It's surprising how he was afraid of all bunnies because of one.

"So, this is what has been trying to kill me? Hmph! I want to see how it can try that with senior around," Ellis walked closer to the mole and kicked it.


It squeaked loudly.

The squeaking sound terrified Ellis since he was very close to it and he quickly retreated to a location he deemed to be safe, which was behind Grey.

Grey didn't speak much, shaking his head as he walked towards the mole. From how the mole was acting, he could tell it was injured since it hadn't tried to dig back into the ground.

There was also a few injuries around its body as well.

'It's only in the Late stages of the Origin Plane. We were lucky, had it been in the Overlord Plane, then Ellis truly might die,' He thought inside.

This was what he found worrying about the issue previously, since he couldn't sense the mole, there was no way he knew what stage it was in. If it were to be in the Overlord Plane, then things would've been different.

'I have no use for the core,' He raised his head to look at Ellis.

"Do you want its core?" He pointed at the mole.

Ellis froze, not expecting Grey to ask him such a question.

Most people come to the Magical Beasts' forest to acquire beast's cores. Since they were quite valuable, no one would want to give them away.

"I can let it go if you don't want it," Grey when he saw the unresponding Ellis.

"No, no. I mean, yes, yes I want it," Ellis hurriedly rushed over.

He could tell the beast was at least in the Mid stages of the Origin Plane, if he is able to sell this in Lapis City, he would earn quite a sum. Even if it isn't as important as the core of an Overlord Plane beast, it was still important.

Grey nodded before moving in hand quickly. The mole squealed loudly before it finally stopped moving.

He opened the space in its head so Ellis could remove the core.

"It's a Late stage Origin Plane beast, so you should know how much it sells," Grey explained.

"Thank you, senior," Ellis said in excitement.

"It's nothing, you were the one who agreed to be the bait, so you deserve it," Grey waved it off.

Although he would need the cores of beasts for forgemastering, he didn't want to start with these ones. He planned to obtain some cores on his way out of here, then he would shut himself out and start practicing his forge mastering.

Presently, he only had theoretical knowledge of it, and not enough practical knowledge. Other than the time in the Academy, he hadn't tried doing anything that had to do with forging again.

"We should head in," Grey turned to the bamboo forest. This was the reason he came here, hopefully, he could find the pond here.

Only now did he realize he was naive when negotiating with the young man back at the Chimera forest. He didn't ask him which part of the Magical Beasts' forest the pond was located, and neither did the young man bother to tell him.