
Affinity:Chaoschapter 416: venturing into the magical beasts' fores

The next day.

Three kilometers west of Lapis City.

Grey stood in front of the majestic Magical Beasts' forest, looking at the lush greenery and overly large trees compared to what was in other forests, he felt nothing but awe.

This was the second time he was seeing the Magical Beasts' forest, and the feeling was just like the first time he saw it.

Even when standing outside the forest, he could feel the intimidating aura of the magical beasts that reside in the forest. He could also hear the roars from the magical beasts in the forest.


He took in a deep breath before breathing out, with that, he stepped into the forest.


A cat-like beast which was around the size of a Maine Cat jumped out from the side of a tree as soon as Grey stepped into the forest.

"*Sigh* To think it's a cat," He said after catching the cat with his bare hands.

While standing outside, he had already sensed the beast, but he never thought it was a cat. From what he could sense, it was a Wind Elementalist, so it excelled in speed.

"I won't kill you since you're a cat like Void, although you're way bigger than he is," Grey said before throwing the cat in the other direction.

What he found more amusing was the fact that the cat was actually still in the early stages of the Fusion Plane or using Void's way of ranking, a Rank two magical beast, yet it dared to try to sneak attack him who was almost at the Peak of the Origin Plane.

Two hours later.

Grey had ventured almost two kilometers into the Magical Beasts' forest, and a magical beast would appear within every ten minutes or so. But all of the beasts are still in the Fusion Plane.

According to the reports he heard, once he gets past the two kilometers mark, then the strength of the beasts would increase. He had already started to notice it because the beasts he had been encountering are in the Late stages of the Fusion Plane.

'Hmm, I'll head in a little more.'

Grey doesn't want to spend too much time here, but his curiosity towards this place is pushing him to go further inside.

The space element made it difficult for the beasts to sense him, most of the ones which attacked him, only attacked when he got within their line of view. So far, he hadn't killed any of them. He would usually avoid the beasts whenever he could, the ones he couldn't avoid, he would just smack them away, but wouldn't kill them.

Three hours later.

Grey had gone over five kilometers into the forest, almost getting to the six kilometers mark. And surprisingly, people still called this place the outer perimeters of the Magical Beasts' forest.

From the map he got from Lapis City, only after going past the six kilometers mark will he leave the outer perimeters of the forest. Not just that, but that's also when he would start seeing beasts in the Origin Plane.


Some minutes later.

'If the map is correct, then going further would mean leaving the outer perimeters of the Magical Beasts' forest.'

Grey brought out the map from his storage ring, looking at the map.

'Forget it, there's still just over three weeks before the auction. I better go in and see if I can find the bamboo forest that guy spoke of,'

He continued walking further into the forest. In the time he had been here, he had surprisingly not encountered any person. Since this was the outer perimeters, he guessed this was the part he would see people frequently, but he didn't encounter anyone.

After walking for almost an hour, he still didn't encounter any beasts in the Origin Plane, but he encountered those at the Peak of the Arcane Plane.

He decided to rest under a tree since he had been walking nonstop for hours now. Just as he sat down.



He heard the scream of a lady, and a magical beasts' roar.

"Huh?" He turned to look in the direction with a raised brow.

After looking in the direction for some seconds, he turned away and closed his eyes to meditate. Although he was bored, he didn't have the habit of interfering with people that didn't have anything to do with him.

Anyone who entered this place should naturally be prepared for the dangers they would face. They don't expect that someone would help them whenever they are in danger.



"Huh? Why is the sound getting louder?" He asked himself while looking in the direction of the noise.

Of course he knew the answer to his question, but he just didn't expect that something like this would happen.

He wanted to stand up and go in the other direction, but his curiosity, as well as the boredom of not doing anything since he entered this place, made him stay. Besides, there's also the possibility of the battle not getting to where he is.

Two minutes later.

'Hmm, is it a coincidence, or do they know that someone is here?' He thought to himself.

The sound was already very close, and from his calculations, the person who was being attacked by a magical beast would appear before him within the next minute or so.

Just as he calculated, the person soon appeared before him. The person was surprisingly a young man.

'I could swear I heard a young lady's voice,' Grey thought to himself, stunned.

'Maybe the beast has killed her,' He thought again.

The young man who was running for help had despair written all over his face, when he looked ahead of him, he saw someone who was wearing a robe.

He didn't even stand to think if the person was good or not, he ran in the direction while screaming for help.

"Help! Help! Please!" He yelled at the top of his lungs while charging in Grey's direction.

"This is totally unexpected !" Grey exclaimed in shock.

Yes, he heard the young man, but he didn't even know if he could call him a young man or not. The young man spoke, but for some reason, he was hearing the voice of a lady.