
Affinity:Chaoschapter 405: are you seeing this shit?

"Grey, how can you do this to me? We've been friends for so long!" Klaus continued struggling while begging.

"Stay still so they can smash your face," Grey said with a smirk.

This was exactly what Klaus told him when he wanted to punch him in the face. Although he was unsuccessful, it felt nice saying this to him.

"You bastard! I'll… I'll tell Alice and Rey that you tried to kill me," Klaus pointed at him in exasperation.

"I think they'll be more inclined to believe it when I say it, you know, given your bad habits," Grey shrugged.

Klaus almost fainted when he heard this because he knew Grey was right

"Fuck me! Grey quick, it's already completed the transformation," He said, this time, a little scared.

Although he knew Grey wouldn't let him die, there's a slim chance that he might let them smash his face for a little bit.

"*Sigh* Fine, but next time you mess with me, I'm definitely going to let them smash your face," Grey sighed before freeing him.

"Yes, of course I wouldn't dare to mess with you again!" Klaus said while putting on a righteous expression.

'Just you wait, my chance will come! Hehehe, I'll get you then!' He thought inside while laughing evilly.

Of course, Grey naturally knew Klaus would not adhere to this promise of his. Given Klaus' character, he's probably planning how he would get back at him.

Klaus continued retreating.

"Where are you going?" Grey couldn't help but ask with a strange expression on his face.

"I'm taking it that I'm trapped, so you have to fight against them on your own," Klaus said, a shameless smile on his face.

Grey almost tripped when he heard this. Klaus didn't even wait for a long time before he started his revenge.

'Hehe, that will teach him. Hmph! Daring to trap him.' Klaus thought while grinning from ear to ear.


The sound of something dropping into the water rang out once again.

Klaus who was previously grinning had a sour expression, he was currently sunk into the mud, again. This time, it almost got to his waist.

"Since you want to pretend like you're trapped, why don't I just make your dream come true?" Grey asked with a smile.

His smile froze when he saw Klaus jumping out of the mud, quite easily.

"Heh! You think I'll fall for the same trick twice?" Klaus smirked.

The two ice monsters had already completed the transformation, but to the surprise of the people inside, and the ones standing outside, Grey and Klaus were arguing with each other.

It was almost like they had forgotten that they were in the midst of battle.

Are they even normal?

This was the question running through the minds of the people there. First of all, the duo were insanely strong, especially Grey. Now, they're pranking each other in the middle of a battle.

This would be funny if it were in another scenario, but in the presence of such opponents who almost rivaled the strength of an Overlord Plane expert, it didn't look funny. Well, to the group from the town, that is.

But it had nothing to do with them. One of the monsters created an ice hammer, charging towards Grey.

From the experience of the previous battle, they knew it was a bad idea to get in close contact with Grey due to how strong he was.

Klaus on the hand was easy to deal with, as long as they watched their steps and didn't get tripped, then they were fine.

This was all according to what they gathered from the previous fight, unfortunately for them, Klaus and Grey weren't people who should be judged using common sense.

Bang! Bam!

"How rude! Can't you see we're arguing here? Fuck off!" Klaus turned to the ice monster who almost tried to hit him and immediately attacked with multiple ice spears that made the ice monster retreat, trying to block its vitals.

The vitals of the ice monster here referred to the three people that were inside it. Klaus aimed the spears so well that they all shot towards one of the people in the body of the ice monster.

The people in the ice monster were stunned. Because they didn't expect Klaus to get on the offensive immediately, they quickly fell into the back foot, not knowing how to respond.

Klaus continued attacking while spouting all sorts of nonsense like he usually does, he would occasionally curse at Grey who was also fighting against a monster.

The ice monster continued retreating, and Klaus soon found a weak point of this transformation. He noticed the decision making of the ice monster was slow like it didn't know which order to take.

Obviously, the people inside the ice monster were each giving out their own orders because of the current situation which was making them confused. This in turn was making it look as if the ice monster was hesitating to make a decision, hence making it seem weak in front of Klaus.

The only thing that it made sure to do was to block its vitals, it seemed like that was the only thing all the people in the ice monster agreed on.


"Shit!l Klaus cursed and quickly retreated.

Ice spikes sprang out from the ground, almost impaling him.

"Damn these people!" He whipped away the sweat on his head.

Just when he was having fun with his attacks, he was almost caught off guard by these crafty old men.


The ice monster roared loudly.

"This is bullshit!" Klaus exclaimed when he saw what was happening in front of him.

An even stronger ice was forming an armor around the three people in the ice monster. The thickness of this ice was far above that of the one used to create the ice monster.

With the people protected, the ice monster had blocked its main weakness. This simply meant it could run into any of his attacks without having to worry about the people inside it being hurt.

"Grey, are you seeing this shit?" Klaus couldn't help but draw Grey's attention to what was happening in his side of the battle.