
Affinity:Chaoschapter 328: communication device, acquired!

Two days later.

"Huh! Someone's coming," Grey, who was sitting before multiple papers which had different array lines on them, looked in the direction of the door.

With a wave of his hand, he kept all the papers in his storage ring.

Knock! Knock!

He soon heard knocking on the door.


The wooden door made a creaking sound as it was opened.

"Master Gerald asked if you would like to see Donald?" Diluc asked after walking in.

Grey initially wanted to complain about how he entered the room without waiting for his response, but he decided to let it go when he heard what he said.

"Alice's father, how did he know I was here?" Grey asked.

He had been in contact with Alice during these past two days, and according to her, she didn't tell her father, nor anyone of their contact.

"He doesn't, he only came to ask if we knew of your whereabouts. Master Gerald told me to come ask you if you'd like to see him. Now answer, yes or no," Diluc said.

Grey thought about it for a bit before nodding, since Donald came looking for him, maybe it was because he had decided to let him see Alice. Although it wasn't really all that important now, he didn't mind seeing her.

"Here," Diluc threw a brown robe to him.

Grey didn't ask any questions and wore the robe.

They left the secret room, and headed for Gerald's office. They encountered Gerald's daughter, the young lady who didn't like Grey, but since she didn't see his face, she didn't even bother them.

After a few twists and turns, they got to the office.

Diluc opened the door, and the duo stepped in.

"I knew you'd decide to meet him," Gerald said after Grey stepped in.

Donald turned around, only to see Grey removing the part of the robe that covered his face.

"Huh! I thought he left?" He asked, a little taken aback.

"No, I only pretended to. Like I said, I'm not leaving until I see her," Grey replied calmly.

"It's good that you're here. First of all, I'd like to apologize for my actions the last time we saw each other, but my decision is the same, I will not allow you to see her." Donald said.

"Then why are you searching for me?" Grey asked, confused.

"I wanted to thank you for what you did when you spoke to Sasha after you left. I never thought you'd be that thoughtful for someone your age. Even after I offended you, you didn't want Sasha to look at me in disappointment, just because of your friend."

"That, and, for your thoughtfulness, I can allow you to write a letter to her, but that's it." Donald said after a while.

Grey almost snapped when he heard this.

'Write a letter your head! I've been writing to her for the past two days, why would I need you to help me write a letter to her?' He complained inside.

Donald noticed the change in his expression, but he pretended like he saw nothing.

"I can not allow you to see her, doing that will only endanger her. I hope you understand," He said, trying to convince Grey.

"Fine, fine. Here, I already wrote a letter, you can hand this to her," Grey fished out a letter from his robe before handing it over to him.

"Thank you, I'll be going now, I never saw you," Donald took the letter and left.

"Hmph! Such strictness, he even told me he never saw me like we're committing a huge crime," Grey snorted after Donald left.

"Well, technically, you're a criminal in the eyes of the Emperor and his people. Otherwise you wouldn't be hiding here," Gerald chuckled.

"I'm going back to cultivate," Grey said before turning back to the room.

He didn't expect Alice's father would be this stubborn, even after he apologized to him, he still refused to allow him see Alice. This will change after he comprehends the space element though, so he wasn't too bothered.

After going back to his room, he focused mainly on the device. Whenever he was trapped in a difficult situation, he would start comprehending the space element to get his mind off arrays.

It worked wonders as within two weeks, he was able to make a breakthrough in making the device. He managed to make one separately; now, all he had to do is to add it to the already existing arrays on the disc.

This was what he found challenging since it would be difficult connecting them.

"Should I just make one like this, and forget about connecting them?" He asked himself.

This seemed to be the more rational decision since it would save time, but he wanted to make an improvement to the communication device.

"This will do for now, I'll improve it later. What's important now is that we can speak to each other. But I don't know the limit of the distance, I'll have to ask old man Gerald," He muttered.

Distance was going to be a very important factor of this device, if he doesn't know the limit of it, then it would be a wasted effort. If he could find out the distance, then he could work on improving it.

He already knew it could contact someone who's in Red City, that was thousands of miles away from here. But he didn't know exactly where Klaus currently was, so he couldn't guess the distance.

If the distance on the device turns out to be too short, then they would not be able to contact each other after he leaves Frost City.

He quickly contacted Gerald, and to his surprise, he didn't need to improve it since it could travel across two empires. That was a massive distance.

"How did they do it, impressive," He couldn't help but praise after finding out.

With that, he started working on three others. He wants to finish it, before focusing his full attention on the space element.

One week later, he was done with the devices.

"Void, take this to Alice, let's test it out," He handed one of the devices to Void.
