
Affinity:Chaoschapter 222: questions

Grey whose eyes were closed was totally oblivious to what was happening outside. This was not the first time he was breaking through, so he didn't really think much about his breakthrough here. It wasn't like he had ever caused a ruckus before when breaking through.

Moreover, he was currently in a state that even he didn't understand. He felt relieved! Breaking through might relieve one physically, but not mentally. Yet, he felt relieved both physically and mentally, it was like his previous mental state was also going through a breakthrough. He didn't feel annoyed anymore, nor did he even think about the leader of the guards from the Azure empire who hurt Void.

He continued his breakthrough without a care in the world, extremely relaxed. He even had a satisfied smile on his face!

Klaus, Reynolds, and Alice watched his every movement from outside the ice sphere.

"Should this be possible?" Reynolds asked, shifting his gaze to the other two.

"No!" Klaus answered firmly, before adding, "Unless, he initially had all five elements."

"That's impossible, he was tested before coming to the Academy, and even after entering the Academy. His results showed he had only two elements at that time." Alice explained.

They all knew of Grey's story, and Klaus even confirmed it since his father was close to Chris. Not just that, but they also knew it was impossible to gain a new element. They didn't find it weird when he displayed his fire element since they thought it was the expert's legacy, but now, they couldn't think of an explanation for the two new elements.

"But...but...how's he doing that?" Reynolds pointed at Grey who was absorbing the elemental particles of five different elements.

"We don't know, but being able to absorb them means he has an affinity with them." Klaus placed his hand on his temple, gently massaging it.

For some reason, he suddenly had a headache from the multiple questions that were running through his head.

How's this possible? If people were to find out about it, wouldn't that put him in danger? Why the fuck didn't he tell me about this? Should I beat him up for not trusting me? What would a soup made with the healing tonic taste like? Will I ever find true love? Why is Trisha's b**bs so small? I still don't see what Pharrell has that I don't? Do magical beasts date? Or do they just skip to the main part?

Klaus' mind soon wandered from Grey's secret to different weird things.

'*Sigh* I really need to keep my thoughts to myself, the day I'll think out loud will be the end of me.' He sighed wryly.

It was amazing how his mind could wander off from what he was initially thinking about, if Alice and Reynolds were to know about his thoughts, they might beat him up! Okay, Reynolds might not, but Alice definitely will.

"Huh! Someone's coming." Alice turned to look at the entrance to the tent.

"They must have sensed the first energy wave, let's head out to make sure Grey isn't disturbed or seen." Klaus suggested.

If Grey is seen in this state, it would spell danger for him. Being the wielder of five elements wouldn't be a blessing, rather, it was a curse. Even the Qilin empire wouldn't allow someone who has five elements to keep growing, especially with how powerful his fire element was.

The guards who were sent to check on them got to the tent, but they realized the three guards stationed there were still there.

"What are you doing outside, did you check on them?" One of the newly arrived guards asked the trio who was stationed there.

"Is something wrong?" The first guard stationed there asked hastily.

The guards stationed here surprisingly didn't sense the energy wave that Grey gave off, even with how close they were to him.

"You didn't sense that strange aura? Quickly, let's go in." The newly arrived guard who spoke previously hurriedly rushed towards the tent.

Just as they were about to go in, Klaus, Alice, and Reynolds rushed out.

"What's going on? Did something happen?" Klaus asked two questions in quick succession.

"Where's the last one?" The newly arrived guard asked when he saw that only the three of them came out, instead of four.

"Our friend is very tired, he's already asleep." answered Alice.

"I'll check on him just to be sure." The guard said.

"You going inside would disturb his rest, we're his friends, we naturally aren't stupid enough to say he's fine if he isn't." Klaus said coldly.

He knew if he spoke to the guard softly, the guard would insist on going in.

Even after saying this, the guard still insisted on seeing him. It was only after a combined effort from, Klaus and the others did he finally decide to stay outside.

"Okay, we'll stay out here. Yell if there are any issues." The guard said before standing around the tent.

Klaus hated being monitored, but their current situation warranted it.

In the Overlord Plane expert's tent.

"Hmm, this aura." She muttered softly, trying to find where the aura was coming from.

It disappeared almost as soon as it appeared, making it difficult to sense it out.

'I'll have to make sure to watch the kids, there's a high chance of that old man being responsible for this.'

She stood up, walked out of her tent and took to the sky. The safety of Grey and his friends was just too important to her. She had even prepared a letter that had a report of what happened here.

Back inside the tent.

"Wouldn't the Overlord Plane experts be able to trace the aura here?" Reynolds asked worriedly.

"Klaus acted quickly, but their senses are sharper than Origin Plane Elementalists. Hopefully, Grey's array should be able to keep them out." Alice looked at Grey.

Today had been stressful for her to say the least.

"What's taking him so long? He needs to end this soon." Reynolds said worriedly.


Cracks soon started appearing on the ice sphere that Klaus used in sealing Grey off from the world.

"Shit! The energy wave is intense." Klaus complained.

This ice sphere could withstand an all-out attack of a Third stage Origin Plane Elementalist, yet, it was breaking under the impact of Grey's energy wave.

Klaus hastily created another sphere, before the first one breaks down.