
Affinity:Chaoschapter 220: i don't threaten people

The lady was taken aback seeing Grey and his friends killing yet another guard. But she knew that if this continues, even if more of the guards from the Azure empire dies, some of her guards would still die. That wasn't good for them since the Blue Wind and Stellar empires still had their complete guards.

There was also the problem of Reynolds' Elemental Warrior, she didn't know how long it would last. It has been the thing making the killings easy for Grey and Alice, once the Elemental Warrior dissipates, then things wouldn't be like this anymore.

"Fine. I think you've learned enough lessons for today." The lady said with a smug smile.

She was winning, so she had every reason to be happy. Presently to her, Grey and his friends are gems, people that would take the empire to its greatest height! She planned on sending a report to the emperor about this incident so the emperor would know how to treat them.

The old man sighed in relief when he heard her agree to what he said, he couldn't watch on as these monsters who masquerade themselves as kids kill off all his guards. To him, Grey and his friends were monsters, not kids.

They stopped fighting and quickly descended while ordering both guards to stop fighting. The guards from both empires stopped fighting, except for three figures, Grey, Alice, and the Elemental Warrior.

They had no reason to listen to the Overlord Plane expert, and besides, Grey hadn't vented enough.

The guards who were being attacked by the trio were forced to continue fighting since stopping would mean their deaths. When the guards from the Azure empire saw that Grey still didn't stop his assault, they all wanted to gang up on him, but the guards from the Qilin empire acted quickly holding them down.

With things being like this, it became extremely difficult to stop the battle, the Overlord Plane experts couldn't stop it since Grey had no plans of stopping now, yet, they couldn't allow it since it would cause further damage to each camp.

The lady from the Qilin empire quickly moved in Grey's direction.

"Stop this now!" She ordered.

But her words fell into deaf ears. Alice and Reynolds originally wanted to stop, but seeing that Grey was still fighting, they were forced to continue.

The lady had an awkward expression since she thought after hearing her order, Grey and his friends would stop fighting. She felt annoyed being ignored by these youngsters in front of so many people.

'Even if they're geniuses, they still need at least five years before they can get to the Overlord Plane.' She thought angrily.

Some people can't even break through to the Overlord Plane, so an Overlord Plane expert should be given the respect they deserve.

With anger evident in her voice, she ordered once more, "Stop this now!"

But just like before, Grey didn't bother to listen to her.

Currently, other than the guard fighting against Grey, the others all stood still, looking in Grey's direction, even Alice and Reynolds had stopped fighting.

Alice walked closer to Grey, "Hey, that's enough. You need to take care of Void."

Hearing Void's name, Grey grew more enraged. Alice felt genuinely angry because of their situation, on one hand, she wanted to get revenge for Void just like Grey, but on the other hand, she knew she couldn't allow Grey to keep up with this. There's a chance he might die if he continues, and there's also the possibility of him changing forever.

Clenching her fist tightly, she walked closer to him. Looking at Grey, she felt he was like someone who was losing his mind to anger, she raised her hand, and…


In the battlefield which only the sound of Grey's attack was being heard, a hard slap rang out in all directions.

"Enough! Void needs you, we need you." She said softly with watery eyes to Grey who was in a state of shock.

Klaus and Reynolds were standing close to each other with mouths currently shaped like an 'o'.

"Oh! That took an unexpected turn." Klaus said not feeling Alice's actions were wrong. In fact, he applauded her decision internally.

"Yeah, Grey seemed to be on the verge of losing it." Reynolds nodded.

When they saw the Overlord Plane experts, they felt it was probably time to stop the fighting, for now. But they didn't expect Grey to continue fighting, not heeding to a single word the lady said.

Grey stood still, not expecting Alice to slap him. His pupils dilated, before turning to looked at Alice with his infuriated eyes, but all he saw was care. Care for her friend who was on the verge of taking a path he might probably regret for the rest of his life.

He stood in the same position for some seconds while staring at her watery eyes, everything slowly started playing out in his mind once again. He recalled how he felt when he thought Void was dead, and pain as well as the hate and rage. Recalling Void's injury…

"Void…" He said slowly before turning around, heading in Klaus' direction.

Everyone on the battlefield looked on as Grey walked towards Klaus, taking him from his hands.

The Overlord Plane experts couldn't believe that Grey did all this just for a cat, a magical beast pet. Yes, it saved his life, but they didn't think a magical beast was actually worth all this.

To them, magical beasts were tools, once they're useless, they should be discarded. It might be special, but it's not the only one in the world. There are other beasts he could easily train to block attacks for him, why go to such lengths?

Alice went after her friends since Grey and the others started walking away, but she was stopped by the lady.

"What Academy are you from?" The lady asked.

Since the four of them were friends, they should be from the same Academy.

"Lunar." Alice said while trying to walk out.

"Thank you for stopping him." said the lady.

She thought Alice did what she did because of her, and since these people would turn out to be very useful later in the future, she thought of putting on a good impression on them.

"You don't need to thank me, I did it for myself and my friends." Alice looked at the trio who were walking alongside each other and smiled lightly.

These three weirdos were her friends, her best friends. Some people find it strange that her best friends were actually boys, they felt since she's a girl, her best friend or friends should be girls as well. But she didn't really think about it, these were the only people she could be free with, they were the ones who she knew in times of danger, they wouldn't think twice before running to her aid, even if there's a chance of them endangering their lives.

The lady looked at her but didn't say anything.

Alice quickly caught up with them before saying, "Guys, you know that isn't our camp, right?"

Klaus and Reynolds looked around and realized they were actually heading in the Azure empire's camp direction. But being the shameless people that they were…

"He's the one leading." They pointed at Grey simultaneously, trying to shift the blame to him.

He was the one who was at the front, so shifting blame looks very easy.

Grey looked behind them but didn't say anything, he wasn't in that mode. He shifted his gaze to Alice, "Thank you."

"It's nothing, we're friends so we should help each other out." Alice smiled softly.

"Yeah I know, but thank you." Grey said before looking in the direction of the leader from the Azure empire.

They weren't far from him, since they were technically still around the Azure empire's camp. The leader looked at the youngster who survived his sneak attack in hatred. He would be punished because of his mistake. Had he been able to kill him, he would have been rewarded but causing the death of four of his guards while still not being able to kill the boy was something he would be punished for.

"Count your days." Grey said calmly.

Compared to before, he wasn't putting on an angry expression or even acting like someone who was infuriated, rather, he acted as if nothing happened. This actually scared the leader more than when Grey was infuriated.

Given Grey's talent, he knew as long as Grey broke through to the Seventh stage while he was still in the Ninth stage, he wouldn't stand a chance against him.

"Is that a threat?" The leader asked icily.

"No, I don't threaten people." Grey continued walking, not turning to look at him anymore.

The leader narrowed his eyes. If he were threatened by someone else in Grey's age, he would laugh it off, not even bothering to think about it. But he had seen Grey in action, and all he saw was a ruthless killer.