
Affinity:Chaoschapter 1301: we've planned the funeral

"What did you do to me?" The man stopped attacking, not just him, everyone who was attacking Grey stopped attacking too.

The Second Prince was the first to retreat when he saw the gooey blood, the reason for that was because the moment the blood hit the ground, smoke rose up from the place it hit the ground.

He didn't need anyone to tell him how dangerous the blood was.

"Nothing, I just punched you, and added something else into your body." Grey smiled and looked at the man.

He was under serious pressure while under siege from Nine Peak Elemental Venerables, but now that they've stopped attacking, he wanted to catch his breath.

The others looked at the man, and when he tried to get close to one of them, they retreated with a serious face.

"Get your body under control. Whatever is inside you is dangerous, getting close to us will only put us in danger." The man said as he retreated further away.

No one was interested in fighting with Grey at the moment, all they wanted to do was get away from their poisoned companion.

The man who was the leader of the Gnome group tossed something at the man and said, "Try to use it to calm it down. We will help you after you've stopped the outbreak."

The others could see the places the man was injured had already started to rot. From what they knew, anything like that would be dangerous to them, and they didn't want to die for a careless reason.

The man took the thing and swallowed it with a gulp, the second he took it into his body, he screamed in pain.

"Arghh…" The man clenched his head, unable to stand on his feet, he fell to the ground, screaming in pain.

Grey watched on with interest, he didn't know the poison miasma has already gotten this powerful, if he knew, he would've been using it more often. He didn't even inject a large amount of it into the body of the man, yet the result was this disastrous. He couldn't help but wonder what would happen if he injected more into his body.

"What did you do to him?" The leader of the Gnome group asked, his expression showing some signs of worry.

They didn't know what happened to the man, yes, they saw Grey attack him, but other than that, they didn't know what he did to the man.

Grey was naturally not obligated to tell them what he did to their companion, the lesser they knew, the more wary they would be of him. People tend to be wary of the unknown.

The man was still on the ground, wailing in pain. It was clear that he was in serious pain from what Grey placed on his body.

Grey looked at the man who was on the ground, then at the two Princes. The Seventh Prince was the one who had the most worried expression, he couldn't believe he wanted to kill someone who was capable of doing something like this. Till now, no one has been able to figure out what Grey did to the man.

This was someone that was at the Peak of the Elemental Venerable Plane, yet Grey reduced him to such a state that he had even started crying from the pain.

"It's time for me to leave. I'd advise you not to try to stop me." Grey said, he paused and smiled, "If you don't want to end up like him, that is."

The Second Prince looked at Grey, his expression was very severe, he knew in this place, unless they had more people, Grey was invincible. The fact that in the presence of so many people that were at the Peak, he was still able to do such damage showed how frightening he was.

The leader of the Gnome group watched on as Grey left, not waiting to see the result of his poison miasma.

Grey left the place, leaving the others speechless. Other than the screaming man, no one else was making a sound.

"What now?" The Seventh Prince asked, he was clearly traumatized by what he was seeing, not just him, but everyone present were afraid of what Grey just did.

It was obvious that the man was in serious pain, and they couldn't do anything about it, which made the situation worse.

They watched on as the man continued screaming, before long, the man's voice was barely audible. After a while, his body dried up, and to the shock of everyone present, the body turned to dust.

Even after seeing it, they still found it hard to believe that this was something Grey was capable of doing.

"We need help." The Second Prince said with his head down.

As hard as it sounds, he knew they wouldn't be enough to contain the monster that was hunting them down.

"The Giant race, they helped me out while I was tackling him in the lower realm." The Seventh Prince said.

The Giant race has a few Peak Elemental Venerables, with their help, they might be able to deal with Grey.

Grey was a single individual, they couldn't help but wonder what would happen if he came with his friends once again. His friends might not be the strongest, but each of them was difficult to deal with.


In the forest.

Klaus and the others were waiting anxiously for Grey's return. They didn't know what was happening and it had been a few minutes since Grey left.

"Do you think they've captured him?" Reynolds asked.

"Stop spouting nonsense, he has only been gone for a few minutes." Klaus smacked Reynolds' head.

Alice didn't say anything, she turned her gaze to the direction of the castle.

"If he doesn't return, we hunt them down." She said coldly.

"We will definitely avenge him." Klaus said.

"Who are you avenging?" Grey's voice came from the void before his figure appeared.

"We've already planned your funeral, all we need is for someone to kill you." Klaus said with a straight face.

Alice and Reynolds rolled their eyes when they heard this.