
Affinity:Chaoschapter 1180: challenged

The Tiger found it very hard to defend against Grey. it was trying to regain its original superiority in the battle, but Grey refused to give it that chance.

Before it could properly stabilize from one attack, Grey had already come with another one. Even if it manages to force Grey back, it would only be for a second since he would be back as soon as possible.

Everyone watched on as Grey slowly took the Tiger apart piece by piece. Knowing that there might be a chance for the Tiger to get back into the battle, Grey focused on decapitating it. He first broke one of its hindlegs, before breaking the other.

With its powerful hind legs broken, the Tiger could barely stand, much less move with its previous explosive speed.

Grey stopped his attacks after a few more seconds. The Tiger was almost lying on the ground, only able to keep itself up with its front legs.

"Do you really still want to keep fighting?" He asked with a casual expression.

There was no form of showing off, it was simply asking a question, trying not to waste any time.

The Tiger looked at its current state before laughing at itself, "Hahaha, I underestimated you, you win."

After that, the Tiger leaped off the stage, it needed to get some treatment.

Grey heaved a sigh of relief. Although the Tiger was a little harder to deal with compared to the young lady, after getting himself together, it wasn't much of a deal handling it.

This was his third day here and he already had sixty wins. He almost couldn't believe it. At first, he thought he would have to stay here for months, but from the looks of it, he might leave this place within three days.

"Forty wins, who is willing to take up the offer?" He looked at the crowd.

This time, there was no one who would underestimate him. When the Tiger spoke up and started to suppress him, they felt like even though he was strong, he only won due to the elemental advantage, but they reverted to their initial thought after this battle. Grey was a monstrous freak that could fight against most of the people a stage or two higher than him, even those three stages higher.

Grey stood on the platform, waiting for someone to take up his challenge but no one stepped up. He knew his previous performance from the last two battles would dissuade people from wanting to battle with him, only those who are truly confident in their abilities would fight against him.

After almost five minutes, he could only give up.

He turned to the man in charge, "Can I still fight my normal five battles?"

The man shook his head and Grey gave a wry smile. He knew that people were afraid of fighting him now. Although he somewhat expected it, he didn't think it would happen this early. He felt he would fight at least three battles.

Since it was impossible, he walked off the stage.

Jonas looked at him as he walked close to him, "You've grown too strong. I'm afraid no one would want to fight with you unless they want to test their abilities against yours."

"I don't see what they're afraid of." Grey said grumpily before adding, "We should wait in case anyone decides to bet."

Jonas chuckled but didn't reply, he knew since others saw that he was around, none of them would want to issue a bet. They knew that if someone like Grey steps up, they would lose the wins they have under their names.

"Don't worry, there are a few people I know will come for you tomorrow." He comforted Grey.

"Oh, are they strong?" Grey asked.

"A little, they are certainly stronger and more difficult to deal with than the two you fought against today." Jonas replied.

"Good, these guys weren't too difficult to handle. I wonder if those guys will give me a challenge." Grey's words made Jonas feel a bit downcast.

'He's still the same person. Unknowingly arrogant.' Jonas thought to himself.

Grey might not show his arrogance, but on some occasions, he shows it. He can't be blamed since it was something that he was used to. Fighting against tough opponents was what he desired in situations like this.

They left the arena. Unlike Grey, Jonas wasn't in too much of a hurry to leave this place. He had advanced at a pace he wanted and didn't want to leave without getting the item he set his sights on.


The next day came and just like what Jonas said, someone openly challenged Grey. The person stood in the arena before it was Grey's turn and openly challenged Grey, offering whatever wins Grey wanted.

"I told you someone would come for you. Even if you beat him, another person would still come." Jonas said when he saw the person who challenged Grey.

The person was in the Fifth stage of the Elemental Venerable Plane, but his strength was far above his stage. This person was quite famous in the area and had gone seventy-five battles undefeated. This person was from one of the races in this place and wanted one of the treasures there.

Grey looked at the young man on the platform who had a strange physique, although it was easy to see that the figure was male, the figure also had a face of a fish.

Grey didn't spend too long on the side and jumped into the stage.

"Forty wins." He went straight to the point when he appeared.

"Forty wins, you win, you have them." The young man said.

Grey nodded and looked at the man in charge of the arena. The man didn't say too much, since both parties had agreed to it, what was there for him to say?

Grey looked at the young man, waiting for the start of the battle. The man in charge declared the start and both figures shot at breakneck speed at each other.