
Affinity:Chaoschapter 1166: can you deal with them

Grey's current plan was to search for a way to heal Arya's brother who was still in a coma. He still hadn't asked his father if he could help, so his plan was to first ask him if he could help, only after confirming that he can't will he think of what to do.

He had been communicating with the triplet and found out about the current predicament of Arya's brother's condition. He recalled the last time he went there and had to fight a group of people using evil methods to increase their cultivation stage.

He promised to go back when he got help, but he still haven't been able to ask his father for help, and he had been very busy with increasing his strength and keeping himself alive.

His grandfather also promised him an opportunity when he returned, but he hadn't gone since leaving. Since he had gotten to the Third stage of the Elemental Venerable Plane, he shouldn't have too many problems with whatever opportunity his grandfather wanted to offer him.


Just like most of the time he's on a long journey, Grey disguised himself and seemingly disappeared from the world. During his journey, there were a few times he sensed the aura of necromancers and even Gnomes, but he didn't try to have any contact with them, he knew doing so would not be good for him given the fact that he was being hunted down by them.

It had been three weeks since he left the FAction and he opted to travel on his own instead of using teleportation arrays, although that would make his journey faster, he enjoyed traveling by foot more.

Two more weeks went by and he finally got to the place the Faction Leader sent him to. It was a small town that didn't have any great sights, it was like most small towns. Locating the Faction Leader's sister was quite easy as well. Before leaving, he got a good description from the Faction Leader and also a way to communicate with her.

He got to a small house that was isolated from the rest of the town and before he even knocked, the door opened and a lady who looked to be in her mid thirties walked out.

"You must be Grey, my brother has spoken a lot about you." The lady said the moment she walked out.

She had golden long hair, a soft looking face, pearly blue eyes, and was just around 5' 7. She looked nothing like the Faction Leader.

Grey bowed to show his respect and she waved for him to get back up.

"I was just about to head out to pick someone up, want to come with me?" The lady asked with a soft smile.

Grey paused, unsure of what to answer. His original plan was to drop the item and leave immediately.

"Don't worry, it's just around the corner." The lady said when she saw him hesitating.

Grey nodded after giving it careful thoughts, although he was wary of her, he didn't want her to view him in a bad light. Besides, he would most likely rarely see her after this.

Seeing Grey nod, she took a step forward, grabbed him and they disappeared.

Grey was stunned when he realized what was happening, the lady didn't use the space element, rather, she used the light element.

He had always known that the speed of the light element was second only to the space element when it came to covering long distances, but for short distances, it was second to none.

The place they appeared was around three to four kilometers away from the town. And with the speed of the lady, they appeared there within two seconds.

Grey couldn't help but be shocked.

Seeing Grey's expression, the lady chuckled, "You don't have to be shocked, you have the space element, which is quite superior to almost all the elements. Of course, each element has their own advantages, but the space element truly is domineering."

She didn't hide her admiration for the space element.

Grey didn't say much and only looked around, they were on a hilltop, and he could vaguely hear the sounds of people, arguing.

"What are we doing here?" He asked again.

"Like I said, I came to pick up someone." The lady headed down the mountain.

Grey followed her, not asking anymore questions. He was quite curious why she decided to take him along.

As they got closer to the ground, the voices got louder. Before long, he could see silhouettes of multiple people.

There were around ten people present, and they surrounded a figure. When Grey got closer, he got a better view of the person that was surrounded, it was a young lady who looked almost identical to the Faction Leader's sister, but younger, around Grey's age range or so.

"That's my unruly daughter." The lady said when she saw Grey looking at the young lady.

"Oh…" Grey nodded and watched the scene.

Apparently, these people wanted to rob the young lady.

"Why don't you listen to me and drop everything you have, including your clothes." One of the men surrounding her said with a lewd smile.

"Yes, drop your clothes first, we'll take the rest later on." Another one of the men said.

Hearing what they were saying, the young lady spat on the ground in disgust.

"You think you can do anything to me? Leave if you know what is good for you." She warned.

"Haha, the little lady is threatening us."

"We don't like it when we're being threatened, especially by little girls like house."

The voices of some of the men turned cold.

"Hold her down, I'll make sure she doesn't forget this day." A handsome man among the group said while licking his lips.

The young lady looked at the young man as she was approaching, her eyes cold. She was prepared to fight with them.

Just when they were about to get close to her, they heard a voice from behind them, berating someone.

"Eleanor, I told you not to go out, right?"

They didn't know who the person was or how the person even got there. The young lady on the other hand, had an expression of someone who had been caught doing something bad.

"I only wanted to see if it's still here." She said in a small mosquito-like voice.

"I'll punish you after dealing with these miscreants." The voice of the lady said again.

The group of ten turned around and saw two figures, Grey and the lady.

They had walked within a few meters of them without any of them even sensing it. One has to know that a few of them were in the Elemental Venerable Plane. Even among them, two had managed to get to the Fourth stage of the Elemental Venerable Plane.

The lady took a glance at Grey, she had hidden her aura, and since she was well stronger than these people, there was no way they would be able to sense her aura, Grey on the other hand was only in the Third stage of the Elemental Venerable Plane, yet they were unable to sense him too.

'Looks like brother wasn't wrong, this kid is special.'

She thought about it for a while and asked, "Do you think you can handle them on your own?"

Grey looked at the group, they wouldn't be too much trouble to him, especially given their numbers.

"No problem." He replied and his figure flashed.

The next second, he was standing on the spot the young lady was previously standing on while the young lady was standing in the place he was standing, next to her mother.

As Grey appeared on the spot, his aura exploded out and an orb appeared. It was a Fusion orb that had more space elemental essence inside of it.

During the past six months since he left the secret realm, he had mastered the ability of quickly creating a Fusion orb like this one. This was not the only variant he created. Having multiple elements, he experimented with all his elements and realized after the space element, the darkness element was the most destructive.

Not too many people knew of his darkness element, so he preferred using his space element.

The power of the attack was beyond the expectations of the lady and seeing how other than the five in the Elemental Venerable Plane, the others disappeared like they never existed in an instant.

The explosion had just started to spread out and five people had vanished after coming in contact with it.

The lady felt the power was only so strong, but when it came in contact with those in the Elemental Venerable Plane, only the two who were in the Fourth stage survived, the other three who were in a stage below Grey disappeared into thin air as well.

If the lady wasn't strong enough, she would've thought they were teleported to another location, but she saw how everything happened and she was beyond amazed.