
Affinity:Chaoschapter 1116: klaus' breakthrough

Grey calmed his mind, and his spiritual senses spread out, covering at least fifteen flowers.

When Alice saw what he was doing, her eyes opened wide. She couldn't believe what she was seeing.

Grey wanted to stabilize fifteen flowers at the same time. This was a shocking thing.

She frowned and said, "Grey, don't be greedy. This is dangerous."

Most of the time, she didn't bother with anything Grey was doing, but after recalling what happened the first time Grey tried to stabilize the first flower, she couldn't help but feel it was too dangerous.

If one flower could send Grey flying, then fifteen would be able to do serious damage to him. His strong body would not be able to help him in such a situation.

Grey didn't respond to her, he had already started to infuse the flowers with his essence.

"Void, get ready to help him if needed." Alice's face was serious.

Grey had already started, so she couldn't stop him. The only thing she could do now was to make sure they were prepared for what would happen next.

If Grey lost control, then the energy would explode. The power might be at the Peak of the Elemental Venerable Plane, given the number of flowers.

Alice was not the only one who frowned at what Grey was attempting, in the void, even the projection of the old man was also frowning.

He shook his head with a sigh, "Youths are too impatient."

With Grey's talent, he would be able to stabilize five more, he might even be able to add another one to make it six. But Grey was overshadowed by greed, and he directly tried to balance fifteen. If this wasn't greed and overestimating oneself, the old man didn't know what was.

Void and the bunny leader looked at Grey.

The bunny leader was a little taken aback, it didn't think that Grey was the greedy type. It had been traveling with them for some time, so it at least knew some of his characters.

Sweat gathered on Grey's face, dripping to the ground. He was under immense pressure, any slight mistake and the energy would lose control. As long as he loses control of one of them, just like a ripple effect, the others will lose control as well and explode in his face. He didn't dare to be careless.

Contrary to what the others thought, he didn't feel like he was overestimating himself. He sensed them properly, and carefully picked these fifteen.

Of all of them, only one of them did not need him to infuse the fire element. This would help him maximize his strength. His control over his fire element was the highest, so since he had to place it on more flowers, it would be easier for him to control.

The others held their breaths as they watched Grey balance the energy in fifteen flowers simultaneously.

Time went by slowly as everyone's hearts were at their throats.

The time needed for this one was higher than the previous ones, which was expected, but it was not as long as the time Alice needed to stabilize five.


Grey was slowly infusing them, making sure he didn't rush any of them. If one of the flowers were to be stabilized, then Grey's efforts would be wasted since the difficulty would increase, putting him in danger.

After twenty minutes, Grey's eyes shone with brilliance and with a grunt, he managed to stabilize all fifteen flowers at the same time.

The flowers gave off a blinding light. Given the high number that was cleared at the same time, the energy that came out was stronger, and there seemed to be some sort of transformation.

In the void.

The old man looked at Grey with a shocked expression. He had sensed Grey's spiritual sense and knew it was not even on the same level as Void and the bunny leader, yet he managed to succeed.

Although the old man was only a projection, he still had some sort of intelligence.

"Merging with more would make his strength more balanced. Eight different energies." He muttered to himself before shutting his eyes.

He could sense the energies in a single flower, and when Grey tried to merge all fifteen together, he sensed that there were actually eight energies in one of the flowers. This made him flabbergasted. The difficulty of achieving the feat Grey just achieved with two elements was very low, much less with eight elements.

'A monster has appeared.'

This was the only thing in the head of the projection.


Grey had no idea that achieving this had given away the fact that he had eight elements away, luckily, the old man was just a projection and naturally had no enmity with him.

Grey was currently smiling from ear to ear as he looked at the others who had their mouths agape, "Shocked?"

Seeing his smug face, Alice felt annoyed and sent a lightning bolt at Grey.

Grey dodged it with a laugh. He was ecstatic. Merging with these energies would be very beneficial for him, given the high number of elements he had. This was the reason he made sure he absorbed a high number of it.

He soon started to feel a difference, even without checking, he could tell that there was an increase in his light element.

Presently, his body was actively absorbing light elemental particles at a crazy speed.

He closed his eyes to stabilize his mind before they set off.


While Grey and Alice are in the garden, Klaus is surprisingly in an unfortunate situation.

When he stepped into the building, he was transported to another place. None of his friends were with him. This was not what he found annoying, rather, Lara was with him.

Just like Grey and Alice, they also saw five thrones. Each throne giving off spatial fluctuations.

Lara suggested they go for the safer, smaller thrones, but Klaus naturally refused.

He dashed to where the large throne was located and touched it. Just when he thought he was about to escape from her, she grabbed him and teleported with him.

He felt the throne would not accept her, but to his surprise, she met the requirements.

They appeared in a volcano. Being Water Elementalists, they favored being in the water or even the ground. Although water could suppress fire, in such a place, a Fire Elementalist would have the advantage.

In the volcano, they were currently faced with flying Magical Beasts that started attacking them the moment they appeared.

"Damn it! You've spoiled my luck!" Klaus cursed as he was sent flying by an attack.

He was still at the Peak of the Sage Plane. What attacked him was already in the Elemental Venerable Plane.

Lara didn't say anything but frowned as she fought off the Magical Beast that attacked her.

She was almost the same height as Klaus, being slightly shorter.

Her jade-like skin glowed even in the volcano.

Klaus was cursing as he ran around.

"Stop moving. How will I fight them if you're not staying in one place?" She complained.

"F*ck you! If not for you, I wouldn't have been in this mess." Klaus knew how great his luck was. There was no way he would've been in such a situation if he had been teleported alone.

But Lara just had to follow him.

Lara felt a headache as she looked at him. She had always known Klaus had a bad mouth, so she didn't like speaking with him.

'If not for the mistress, I would've killed him myself.' She looked at him coldly.

Klaus sensed her cold gaze and couldn't help but shiver. He wasn't afraid of her, but he knew he was no match for her.

"Block them, I'm going to break through." He said and sat down, leaving everything to her.

He didn't have a choice, he had to break through now. If not, Lara will not be able to protect him forever.

Lara looked at him, her eyes showing a different emotion. She snorted but still blocked the Magical Beasts that were trying to go close to him. She even created an ice dome around him.

Klaus was sitting cross-legged and sensed the ice dome. He reinforced it with his element as well. Lara might be in the Mid stages, but he was still more confident in his ability to protect himself.

Now that he was so close to the Elemental Venerable Plane, he knew that his defensive ability would not be any weaker than someone close to the peak of the Early stages in the Elemental Venerable Plane.

Lara saw what he did, but didn't bother with him. She focused on fighting the Magical Beasts that doesn't seem to have an end.

Boom! Bam!

She attacked them continuously.

Klaus' aura started to climb, since they were in a secret space, it was as if he was hidden from the energy outside, so the commotion of his breakthrough was limited. Even Lara couldn't sense it.