
Affinity:Chaoschapter 1088: that person shouldn't be allowed to live

"I can't lead the group. I'm honored by the Faction Leader's confidence in me, but I prefer moving with a smaller group. This is safer for me, and in case of any complications, I can escape easily. With too many people, escaping will be difficult. You already see my current predicament." Grey explained.

No matter what, he couldn't travel with such a large group. He had never been one who liked moving with too many people. If he saw these people later, he might stay with them for a while, but he didn't have any plans of exploring this place with them.

If anyone was in danger, and he managed to see the person, he would help.

When the people from the Pyrmond Faction heard his words, they couldn't help but shake their heads. It was clear that Grey didn't want to travel with them. Other than one person, the others weren't too familiar with Grey. But since the Faction Leader thought highly of him, and given what they've heard about him, they didn't mind traveling with him, but since he was rejecting the idea, it was okay.

Thinking of his predicament, they knew that it would be easier for him to escape when the group is not large. With too many people, he would naturally have to think of the safety of these people, especially when he's the leader of the group.

Being the leader came with a lot of responsibility, even some of the Elemental Venerables present didn't want to take the responsibility. In a ruin like this that is dangerous, it was normal that many people would die on the way and they would have to take responsibility for it when they go back to the Faction.

After thinking about it, they decided to leave. Although there was safety in numbers, a large group would also easily attract people.

Grey heaved a sigh of relief when he saw them leave.

"You didn't need to brag, you know that, right?" Klaus said with an annoyed expression.

"It's not bragging, it's straight facts." Grey laughed, seeing the annoyed look on the faces of Klaus and Reynolds, he laughed even harder.

Alice laughed, she was already used to it. Although Grey rarely did things like this, there have been a few occasions when he would brag about things, angering Klaus and Reynolds.

After messing with the duo for a while, Grey decided to speak on the matter at hand, "Move together or separate?"



"We'll be safer together."

"But we can't gain more opportunities together. If we go different ways, we can get more things."

Not all of them had the same agreement. Klaus, Reynolds, and Alice wanted to move separately, this was how they usually moved when in such a place. Ellis, Kyle, and Keith felt it was safer to be together.

They soon turned to Grey. Three people wanted them to be together, while the other three wanted them to go their separate ways.

Grey was the last one who hadn't said his mind.

He gave the matter some thought, before bringing out the communication device. Seeing that he could locate the others with it, he smiled.

"We move separately. Each of you has the communication device, so you can communicate with us. If there are any opportunities that you feel are too dangerous for one person, you can call on the others. It's the same if you're in danger." Grey said before taking out a new pair of communication devices.

With these, the others would be able to get the accurate location of each person present.

"No matter what, don't lose this, if not, we'll all be in danger." He warned after passing it to them.

The others took it and after injecting their spiritual senses inside, they realized that they could see the location of the others. It was just like Grey's own, but they are only connected to these pieces here. Grey's communication device is connected to every single device he has ever made.

After the group came to a decision, they left decisively.

Grey was finally alone.

"Which direction did the people from the Vaergahl Family head?" He asked Void who was on his shoulder.

"That way." Void pointed toward the east.

"Alright, we'll go in the other direction." Grey took off.

He didn't want to encounter them, in case of any issues coming up. He had absorbed the blood essence of a Dragon, and since these people usually did this, he didn't know if there was a way they would be able to sense it. He already had too many enemies, adding these people to it was not a good idea.


After Grey and the others left.

The father and son duo entered the place. While Grey was discussing with the others, people were still entering the realm. Even now that they had left, there were still people rushing in.

Gilbert's eyes flashed and he wanted to fly into the air, but his father placed his hand on his shoulder before shaking his head.

"Let's walk."

Gilbert looked at his father before nodding.

When his father heard of the appearance of this ruin, he seemed to be agitated. He didn't know if there was a secret he didn't know. But since he was here with his father, he would find out.

The father and son duo headed in the same direction as Grey.


After they left, a figure covered with a black cloak entered, he looked around and frowned. After some time he rushed in the direction Grey headed.


Somewhere in the Aurora Continent.

"Have they gone in?" A voice asked in the dark hall.

"Yes, Lord." Another voice answered.

"Hmm, do you think they will be successful this time?" The voice asked again.

"With the people we mobilized, we should be able to kill him."

"It's best if he dies. I've encountered him once, a shame I was unable to kill him. He was just too lucky."

"Lord, if I may, what's so special about him?"

"Special, we don't know, but that person shouldn't be allowed to live. He's an anomaly."