
Affinity:Chaoschapter 1078: necromancers nemesis


An earth-shaking roar sounded out and a large figure appeared.

The two-headed snake that had been with Keith appeared out of thin air and directly crushed a few people that were in front of it. It opened its mouth and swallowed a few people as well.

Keith also continued attacking, at this time, he couldn't be careless. He could feel the increase in his strength and knew it was from the array Grey spoke about.

Aelie was also fighting fiercely, she didn't dare to be careless. This was the first time she was fighting such a battle, and she had been injured a few times, and if not for Grey's timely assistance, she would've been severely injured.

She was a Dual Elementalist, having the wind and fire elements, so she was using both to complement each other, making each of her attacks stronger.

When Grey saw things, he decided it was time for him to attack with all his strength. He hadn't used his inscriptions yet since he was waiting for the best time, but as it stands, there was no use in waiting.

Five inscriptions lit up in the sky, all of them of the lightning element. And they struck the backs of the Peak Sage Plane Elementalists he was fighting against, leaving just one.

That one was about to attack when he was suddenly dazed. Before he could react, Grey was standing before him and he slapped down.

Grey's palm enlarged, and before long, it crashed down, destroying the body of the Necromancer.

The other five were attacked by the inscriptions from behind, so they were unable to stop Grey.

After killing one, Grey vanished and appeared close to Aelie.

A Late stage Sage Plane Elementalist that was about to attack her was sent flying.

After doing this, Grey secretly attacked those in the Mid stages, against the powerful Grey's attack, they were helpless and could only watch as his attack struck them. The speed was beyond their expectations.

Aelie used the opportunity to kill three of the people who were injured by Grey's attack. This wasn't her fight time killing people, so she didn't feel strange about it.

After doing this, she looked in Grey's direction, admiration in her eyes. Even when fighting against so many opponents, he still had the time to not only come to help her, but he seriously wounded five people, giving her the chance to kill three, and he also killed the Seventh stage Sage Plane Elementalist that he previously sent flying.

Grey appeared in the presence of all those Peak Sage Plane Elementalists and attacked once again.

This time, he transmitted his voice to Void and Ellis.

'I'll cut off their links with their puppets, putting them in a dazed state, take advantage and kill them if possible. If not, injure them. We must kill all of them!'

Ellis was shocked when he heard this, this was the first time he was going to see how Grey can deal with necromancers. To be honest, he was quite curious about this.

Grey was fighting when he suddenly sent out five tendrils made from the darkness element from his body, and they all shot into the bodies of the puppets of the necromancers, he also sent one at one of the Peak Sage Plane Elementalists in front of him.


He was hit by an attack, and blood dripped from the place. Luckily, his defense was strong, if not, this attack would've been troublesome.

Just when he was calming down, he sensed the darkness element trying to wreak havoc in his body and snorted. The miasma in his body spread out and covered the darkness element, directly consuming it.

At the same time, he forcefully cut off the link of those Elemental Venerables puppets, giving Void and Ellis a chance to attack.

Void slashed out with a powerful attack, and a large spatial crack appeared, enveloping one of the necromancers.

"Ah… He's Grey! Run!" The Necromancer regained himself shortly and screamed in pain.

He knew that after entering this place, it would be difficult for him to escape alive. But he wanted to warn the others.

They've done their research on Grey and found out that he could cut off their links to their puppets. Well, they only found out from the Gnomes since almost anyone who faced Grey when he used this is dead.

Ellis attacked as well. He was a Water Elementalist, and after Void attacked and directly killed one of them, he didn't want to lose out.

A blizzard started and a long ice arrow congealed in the sky, before long, it shot into the body of one of the Necromancers. The Necromancers was just about to regain himself when he froze, before he knew it, an ice arrow entered his head, bursting it apart.

The headless frozen body fell to the ground.

Ellis heaved a sigh of relief before facing his last opponent. When fighting against two he was not facing a disadvantage, now that one of them is dead and the other couldn't use his puppet because of Grey, he would be able to kill the other in a matter of time.

While the duo killed one person each, Grey also attacked another Peak Sage Plane Elementalist. He had cut off this person's link with his puppet, so he used the opportunity to kill him.

The second he killed him, he spat out a mouthful of blood. He was attacked from behind while he was attacking this person. He couldn't stop, so he forcefully took the attack head-on.

In the space of merely two to three seconds, two Elemental Venerables were dead, and one Peak Sage Plane Elementalist died as well.

The faces of everyone soon changed when they recalled the scream they just heard.

"Grey? That Grey?"

The second they thought of this, they lost the spirit to fight and immediately turned around to escape. Against someone who their puppets were useless against and were even turned into a weapon against them, they didn't dare to fight against him.