
Affinity:Chaoschapter 1074: caught after some years

Two months went by in a flash.

Grey was still focused on training to control his power. He had improved during this time, reaching the Peak of the Sage Plane at the time.

Void had left, training was too boring, so he left when Keith returned. Keith was already in the Mid stages of the Sage Plane, and he had been going out for multiple missions lately.


Grey wasn't the only one who was in seclusion, all his friends were also in seclusion.

Klaus was once again trapped in the Moonlight Faction. Alice and Reynolds both decided to increase their cultivation stages since that was what they lacked at this moment.


While this was happening, two figure entered the Western Continent.

If Grey were to see this person, he would be surprised.

"Do you think he's the one?" A feminine voice asked.

'Definitely. He's the only one I can think of being able to cause so much trouble.' Another feminine voice replied.

Looking at the two figures, one of them was female, while the other was surprisingly male. The male was none other than Ellis, the young man Grey became friends with back at the Azure Continent.

Grey had the intention of wanting to visit him, but thinking of the distance, he gave up midway. He planned to go after he was stronger.

"He helped father the last time, father gave us a gift for him." The young lady beside Ellis said.

The young lady looked to be around twenty years old and had a porcelain face, which jade like skin. She was stunningly beautiful.

"Hehe, to think that he provoked one of the strongest forces in the world. Well, they aren't even from our world. How did he even do it?" Ellis felt a headache.

Grey seemed to have a knack for troubles. For someone who was avoiding trouble, he always seems to get in trouble anyway.

"I heard he joined the Pyrmond Faction, it will take a long time to get there. Let's continue our journey." Ellis said calmly.

Coming here, he wanted to warn Grey about the death order, and also hand over a gift to them.

His father found out that Grey and Void took the dragon's blood, so he wanted to give him something that would compliment it and allow it grow well. Ellis didn't know how his father found out, and how his father even thought that it would be possible for Grey to absorb it, nor did he ask about it. He only wanted to carry out this task.

With his current strength, it would take them a while to get to the Pyrmond Faction. Of course, he got essence stones that he would use whenever he got to a teleportation array.


A month and two weeks went by in a flash.

Unlike when Grey was heading back from the Middle Continent, Ellis was much faster. He didn't take any detours, nor did he get into any troubles. He went straight and before long he was standing in front of the Pyrmond Faction gates.

Ellis was stopped outside the Faction gate, after telling them of his purpose, he was told to wait outside and someone went over to inform Grey.

Ellis was someone they didn't know, so they couldn't allow him enter the Faction grounds.


"Ellis O'Brien?" Grey asked, raising his brow.

He recalled Ellis, but he never thought that he would come in search of him. This was beyond his expectations.

The person who came over nodded respectfully, he was only in the Origin Plane, in front of an expert like Grey, he had to be respectful.

"Send him in." Grey said.

"Is… is it appropriate to allow a stranger in?" The young man hesitated, but still asked.

Grey thought about it and felt that he had a point. If he allowed Ellis into the Faction ground, some people might cause trouble with him.

Grand Elder Archibald's lineage seemed to have targeted him, while he was in seclusion, they've sent people over to question why he hadn't done any missions.

Thinking about it, when he journeyed to the Middle Continent, he didn't do too many missions.

'I'll just use this opportunity to complete some missions.' He thought to himself.

Void was currently nowhere to be seen, but he could still sense him.

"Tell him I'll arrive soon." He stood up and headed to the mission hall. He wanted to accept three or four missions.

Over the past months, he had always been busy. So now that he stayed indoors for over three months, he was starting to get a little restless.

'I can't believe I'm starting to feel like them.' He chuckled to himself.

He had always felt that Void and Klaus were psychopaths for not wanting to live in peace, but lately, he had been involved in too many battles, and had come to like the idea of always being involved in something. Sitting and doing nothing was not his style anymore. Besides, he had been cultivating for a while, it was time to try out his new skills, practically.

After going to the mission hall, he picked three missions that required strength of a Peak Sage Plane Elementalist before heading out.


Outside the Pyrmond Faction. Although Ellis and the young lady were waiting outside, they were sitting by the side, taking tea that was offered to them by the young man who went to inform Grey of their arrival.

Grey soon stepped out of the Faction, he was wearing a leather long sleeve with black trousers. His hair was neatly combed and he wore his usual look. If not for his stunningly beautiful face, he wouldn't be different from normal people.

"Ellis, I never expected to see you here." He smiled as he approached them.

"It been a while." Ellis shook his hand before turning to the person by his side.

"This is Aelia, my sister." He introduced.

"You have a sister?" Grey was taken aback.

"I have multiple family members." Ellis replied.

Grey guessed what he meant, Aelia was not the child of Ellis' parents, but she was someone from a relative.

'Guess they're close.' He thought to himself.

After exchanging greetings with Aelia, he turned to Ellis, "How's Uncle?"

"He's doing great now, thanks to you." Ellis replied, he couldn't hide the admiration and gratitude in his eyes. Even though he was older and stronger than Grey, he still somewhat looked up to him.

Grey was a freakish existence.

"Huh! You're already at the Peak of the Sage Plane?" He was shocked.

When Grey left the last time, he was still at the Peak of the Origin Plane, how long has it been? And Grey had already gotten to the Peak of the Sage Plane.

It shouldn't even be up to three years now.

How did Grey cultivate?

This was the only question in his head right now.

He was already in the Elemental Venerable Plane, and in the Mid stages. But he was close to the Peak of the Sage Plane at the time Grey left, now, he was in the Fifth stage of the Elemental Venerable Plane and it was already seen as being very fast, yet Grey seemed to be shattering his logic.

Seeing his reaction, Grey laughed.

'I wonder how he would react if he sees Void.' He thought to himself.

Void was already in the Second stage of the Elemental Venerable Plane.

To Grey, Void, and even his friends, they were all advancing at unimaginable paces. If not for Grey, the other three would've been regarded as once in a thousand years geniuses, but Grey trumpled them, so there wasn't much to say.

"You're in the Elemental Venerable Plane, the Peak of the Sage Plane can't be compared to that." Grey said nonchalantly.

Ellis felt like beating Grey up when he saw how he was acting nonchalant.

'Why are you showing off in front of me?' He thought to himself.

"What brought you here?" Grey asked.

He knew Ellis wouldn't come without any reason.

"Father said I should ask if you absorbed the Dragon blood successfully." Ellis looked at Grey, scrutinizing him.

When Grey heard of this, his expression changed slightly.

"So you really took it?" Ellis was stunned.

He couldn't believe the Dragon blood that made the Vaergahl Family almost fall out with theirs was actually with Grey at that time.

"It's not my fault, it was in one of the storage rings." Grey replied, scratching his head in embarrassment.

Ellis was stunned, but he still proceeded to ask, "Did you absorb it?"

Grey nodded. He had already absorbed it, so there was no use in hiding it.

"Father guessed you would. He said even if others can't, you can. He gave him something to pass on to you. He said it would help you completely assimilate with it and bring out its true power." Ellis explained.

"Uncle's awesome! He even knew I could absorb it." Grey sighed, shaking his head.