
Affinity:Chaoschapter 1070: heading back to the pyrmond faction

"Damn it! Void, what did you do?" Grey's voice was heard, he was panting heavily as he ran through the woods. His clothes were tattered and he was looking like a beggar on the street.

Void also had a worried expression on his face.

"I didn't do anything, you were the one who took their treasure." He replied.

"You said there was no powerful person present." Grey almost exploded with anger.

It had been so long, yet Void still had this habit of bringing trouble to him.

The treasure was good, but the owners were very powerful. There were even two Elemental Venerables among them and multiple Peak Sage Plane Elementalists. They didn't listen to Grey's explanation and tried to kill him the moment they saw it with him.

Grey even wanted to return it but these people were adamant on killing him.

"Keep running, they're catching up." Void said.

Grey grabbed Void by the head and tossed him to the side with all his strength, "You're the stronger one, why should I be the one to carry you?"

He was pissed, it had been a long time since he was beaten up this much. Void was also beaten up by the two Elemental Venerables, but Grey's situation was worse, even his space element couldn't help him much in this situation.

The people found a way to seal the space in the area, making it difficult for him to use the space element. Only after Void's outburst did he manage to escape from the place.

Void quickly appeared before him, "Stop quarreling and let's go."

This time, Void took charge, grabbing him by the hand, he teleported a great distance.


The second they disappeared, a powerful attack exploded out in the place they were standing on.

"Chase after them, they can't escape this place." A lady's voice was heard.

The others spread out and continued chasing, the lady turned to look at the man beside her and frowned. Void was strong, even against two people in the Third stage of the Elemental Venerable Plane, he still managed to injure one of them with his outburst.

She stared at the left hand of the man that was ripped off.

"Can you still fight?" She asked.

"It's nothing, I'll be able to heal as long as we take the treasure back." The man replied.

The lady nodded and they rushed after Void once again.


On Void's end, his expression changed when he noticed something.

"Damn it! It's like my domain, we can't leave unless we find the weak and destroy it." He complained.

Grey's face turned uglier when he heard this. They could enter but they can't go out? What sort of logic was that?!

From the looks of it, these people planned for people to come and snatch their treasure.

"Then find the weak spot." He said angrily.

"I'm searching, but it will take a..." Void paused before cursing, "Damn it! They're here."

He hastily disappeared once again, dodging the attacks of the man and woman. They were the fastest, but Void's speed was not something to be trifled with. Before they even appeared, Void vanished once again.

Even if he couldn't leave the area for now, it didn't mean that these people could hurt him. At most he'll use them to run in circles for the meantime.

Grey and Void appeared over two kilometers away from where they were previously standing.

"Hide your aura and search for the weak spot, I'll attract those two with me." Void tossed him to the ground before disappearing again.

Grey cursed but did as he was told. This wasn't the time to argue with Void.

'Sigh, I should've just gone back to the Faction.'

He soon got to work, his spiritual sense wasn't as powerful as Void's, but it wasn't weak either.

He soon started to search for the places around what seemed like a thin veil. He tried moving past it, but found that it was harder than a rock.

"Hmm, there should be something supporting it. If broken, then this thing will naturally fall apart." He muttered to himself before rushing off.

He could sense some people rushing to where he was standing, the small time he came in contact with the veil exposed his aura, luckily he managed to hide it again.

He continued running around the edge of the veil, and before long, he saw an abnormality.

"This should be it."

He followed the energy flow and soon saw a cave. At the cave entrance, there were five people standing guard, all of them were at the Peak of the Sage Plane.

Grey didn't want to fight, but he knew sneaking in would not be easy. He had tried using the space element, but he noticed that the space inside was restricted.

'I'll blow it up!' He soon came to a decision and started to condense a fusion orb. This orb contained all eight elements he had in his arsenal.

Once it got to the peak, he would run there and throw it inside, it was all up to the people guarding the place if they wanted to stay there or not.

Some seconds later, he had condensed the orb till the highest state. This was the first time he was using an orb this powerful.

He licked his lips before jumping out from where he was hidden and dashing in the direction of the cave.

Just when he got there, the five people exploded out with frightening speed, wanting to stop the intruder. They knew that some people had entered their village and stolen their treasure. Since these people had come, they would be unable to leave. The only way to leave was by destroying this formation.

Grey dodged all their attacks with ease before tossing the orb inside the cave and running away.

The orb had started to become chaotic. Although his control over it had grown, this orb was far stronger than anything he had made before, so he ran away before the explosion so as not to get caught up in it.

When the orb flew past the five guards, they felt a chill in their spine and without speaking, they fled in all directions.

That orb could kill them. It wasn't something a Sage Plane Elementalist could do, it was on par with a First or even Second stage Elemental Venerable. These men were scared.

Grey had also felt the power of the orb, he didn't think it would be this strong.


A loud explosion rang out and even Void and the two Elemental Venerables fighting paused to look in the direction of the explosion.

"Bastard!" The lady roared.

She had been searching for Grey all this while, but Void had made sure they were preoccupied with him. He didn't even allow them to use their spiritual senses to probe the area.

A faint 'Ka-cha' sound was heard and the veil fell apart.

"Hahaha," Void laughed happily and soon vanished.

"Stop there!" The Lady was incensed. They couldn't allow Grey and Void to do as they pleased.

These two thieves barged into their village and stole their treasure, now, they've even destroyed their array. This array took years for it to get to this level, now it is broken. Of course they were furious.

Void was able to quickly sense where Grey was hiding and rushed over to pick him up.

When he saw Grey, he couldn't help but burst out laughing. Grey's appearance had worsened compared to before, presently, he barely had clothes on, and his face and body was covered in black dust.

Even though he managed to run fast, he was still caught up by the explosion. He wasn't injured, but he felt pain all over his body.

He covered himself with the light element as he tried to heal the small wounds on his body from the previous battle.

Void didn't say anything and took him with him, disappearing from the area. Those people couldn't catch up with them and gave up after a few hours of chasing.


"We're going back to the Faction. I shouldn't have listened to you the first time." Grey complained.

"What do you mean, didn't you say you enjoyed fighting?" Void mocked.

"Fighting and getting beaten up are two different things." Grey mumbled, before adding, "How come you didn't sense their existence?"

"They must have hid under the array. Originally, I sensed only one Elemental Venerable, and that person's strength was only in the First stage." Void explained.

Even after entering the village, he didn't sense the aura of too many Peak Sage Plane Elementalists, only four or so. In the end, Grey had to fight against over fifteen Peak Sage Plane Elementalists.

There were also other Sage Plane Elementalists in the village, so they joined hands with the others to beat up Grey.

Grey held back from killing since he knew he was the one in the wrong. But even if he wanted to kill, he might not have been able to kill too many of them. These people had a strange fighting style.

They spoke for a while before Grey told Void it was time to head back to the Faction.