
Affinity:Chaoschapter 1065: have you seen his face?

The middle-aged man and the other two looked at the place of the explosion, just when they were about to heave a sigh of relief, they sensed something behind them.

The middle-aged man was the first to turn around, his eyes widened and he hastily dodged to the side.

The other two were a bit slower.

Behind them, a large inscription lit up the sky, and a rain of lightning burst out from it.

Just as they were about to move, they were covered by a sea of icy flames. This was Grey's icy domain.

The movements of both men slowed down, and the lightning struck them.

Given the high number of lightning, their bodies were soon covered with burn marks, as well as some frozen parts. There was a slight contrast on their bodies since they were both affected by both lightning and the icy flame.

The middle-aged man looked at the place of the explosion and saw Grey moving out with a calm expression.

His eyes were filled with disbelief.

"How?" He muttered.

Grey couldn't be bothered with him, if not for the luck of having the space element, he would've been screwed.

Just when the corpses exploded, he used the space element to help him phase through the attacks. Only when the impact of the explosion started to die down did he move forward, with the help of his earth and water element, blocking the rest of the impact.

He looked at the middle-aged man, his face revealing a sneer.

Without speaking, he attacked. Although a large number of people was quite troublesome, it wasn't an issue for the group.

They were all covered with blood, but they still continued fighting.


Twenty minutes later.

The group could be seen, all panting heavily.

"Damn! That was fun! This is why I like traveling with you!" Klaus exclaimed.

All he had been doing was cultivating inside a secret room in the Moonlight Faction, he had almost missed the thrill of having to fight a life-and-death battle.

The mission they helped Reynolds with wasn't as dangerous as this one. They were fighting against beasts then, and although there were a few powerful beasts, they were not as smart as humans. In this battle, he was injured, but he could also feel the increase in his strength. Even his mastery of the techniques he was learning back at the Faction had seen an increase, which was unexpected to him.

Reynolds and Alice were also a little excited, a battle like this was something they've been craving for a long time now.

Grey had cleaned all the blood that was on his body, changing his clothes within the blink of an eye. He turned to them and smiled, "It's nothing. In the secret realm I visited, it was a bit more fun. I blocked the entrance of the Gnome race, killing anyone who dared to step out."

Gilbert was stunned when he heard this, he knew of the Gnomes and how powerful they were. He never thought that Grey would've not only encountered them, but he seemed to have bullied them as well. This was an entire race!

Forget the fact that he could not have faced anyone in the Elemental Venerable Plane, but just setting up camp at the front of their portal was beyond bold.

'This guy's crazy!' He exclaimed internally.

Since coming in contact with Grey, all he had gotten was shock after shock. First Grey attacked him, then he helped him with his opponents, then he fought against the necromancers which he seemed to be part of in the past. Unlike the others who knew Grey, he didn't, so he felt when Grey was talking about escaping from the necromancer's organization, he felt he was being honest.

Unknown to him, Grey was only bluffing.

"Hahaha, no wonder they released that kill order." Reynolds laughed out loud. Although Grey had told him of it, it was still shocking.

Gilbert's expression changed when he heard the word 'kill order'. He heard of the kill order that the Gnomes released for a certain Grey Dawson, although he felt Grey's name sounded familiar, he didn't associate him with the person who the kill order was released for.

"You're Grey Dawson?" He asked, just to be sure.

Grey looked at him, a little surprised that he knew his last name, but he still nodded.

"The one the kill order was released for?" Gilbert asked once again.

Grey nodded again.

Gilbert was shocked, he couldn't even hide the shock on his face. He couldn't believe he was fighting with such a figure. Among his age range, Grey was almost seen as a legendary figure.

Someone who dared to block the portal of the Gnomes and successfully killed them was not on the same level as the others. In such a situation, there was no way he didn't kill multiple people at the Peak of the Sage Plane. Gilbert was also at the Peak, which meant that Grey could kill him in a short period.

He sensed Grey's strength and it was only in the Ninth stage. When they fought, it didn't seem like Grey went all out, if not, he would've defeated him before those people appeared.

"You… you…"

"You don't have to be shocked, have you seen his face?" Klaus asked.

Gilbert shook his head.

Klaus chuckled, he knew that if Gilbert saw Grey's face, he would be more shocked. Grey could almost be termed as beautiful, even someone as handsome as himself didn't dare to say he was on the same level as Grey.

Gilbert was only so-so, he was on Reynolds' level when it came to handsomeness.

Grey glared at Klaus but didn't say anything.

"Since we're done here, we should get going." Alice suggested.

The others had no objections to it and they all headed to the town close to the realm they entered for the auction.

Gilbert stayed with them for a while longer before leaving. His father needed the item he bought, so he had to rush back home.

Grey and the others only asked a few things about where he was from, and where to find him.