
Affinity:Chaoschapter 1058: nothing to be impressed about

Gilbert looked at the man in front of him with red eyes, he was on the verge of going mad with anger.

'Calm down, you're giving yourself away.' A nonchalant voice sounded in his ears and he suddenly calmed down.

He recognized the voice, it belonged to Grey. He hurriedly looked around, but he couldn't find Grey anywhere.

'He defeated them already?' He thought to himself.

He knew that Grey took his opponents away so that he would not have to worry about them, but it hadn't even been more than five minutes, and he seemed to have returned. Even though he couldn't sense him, the fact that he spoke to him meant that he knew the situation here.


When the battle started.

Grey took the duo and teleported to a safer place. He didn't want Gilbert to know some of his secrets, so he wanted to play it safe. Although he was helping him, they couldn't really be called friends since he tried to rob him some minutes ago.

The duo he brought with him had a lost look in their eyes before staring at him, clearly shocked by his strength. They were unable to even resist when he took them with him.

"Kid, stay away from this and we'll leave you alone." One of them said.

Although Grey was wearing a mask, they could tell that he wasn't old.

Grey tilted his head to the side, giving them a deep look before chuckling. He attacked soon after.

"Foolish, do you think you can beat both of us?" The man felt insulted and threw a blow in the direction Grey was coming from.

His attack was shattered by Grey's fist, Grey not only destroyed the attack, but he continued on his way, appearing in front of the man and attacking him as well.

The fire element exploded out and the man was forced back, he was lucky to have reacted quickly, so the attack didn't affect him too much.

The other man who was standing on the side used the opportunity to attack Grey.

Grey turned to him and an ice wall appeared in front of him, blocking the attack of the man. The man was a Lightning Elementalist, having a powerful destructive attack power.

When the attack hit the ice wall, cracks appeared on the wall, but it didn't fall apart.

"That's all?" Grey's mocking voice was heard from the side.

The man snorted and attacked once again. This time, the scale of the attack was larger, and he was also assisted by the other man.

The other man was a Darkness Elementalist, so he was the first to attack, hoping to corrode Grey's ice wall.

When the darkness elemental attack hit the wall, the wall slowly started to show signs of falling apart, the lightning bolt struck at this moment and the wall fell apart.

Grey smiled and retreated. The two men advanced, trying to shorten the distance between them.

Just when they stepped on the place Grey was previously standing on, an explosion sounded off from the ground, sending them flying into the sky.

"Noobs." Grey laughed and attacked.

With so many things in his arsenal, did these people think he was only standing there and only defending? He had been preparing an attack array while he was waiting for their attacks.

Although he wasn't certain, he felt the chances of them getting closer to him were high if they managed to break his defense. Things went according to his prediction, even though this attack wouldn't be able to kill them, it would disrupt their flow for some time.

Grey's figure flashed and a bolt of red lightning shot at the Darkness Elementalist. While this lightning was going after the Darkness Elementalist, an ice shard shot at the Lightning Elementalist.

Both of them were in mid-air, but they quickly adjusted their bodies and blocked the attacks. They managed to block the array's attack, only affected by the impact. This attack was faster than the array's attack, but they still managed to block it, but the impact of the attack rocked their innards.

Grey laughed when he saw them, he knew they were shaken.

He didn't stop, rather, he attacked. Two wind blades shot at the duo.

Just as they were prepared to block them, inscriptions appeared behind them.

The inscriptions attacked at the moment they were blocking against the wind blades. The timing was so perfect that if they wanted to block one of the attacks, they risked getting hit by the other one, defenseless.

The Darkness Elementalist roared and his body was covered with dark particles. A mist-like substance appeared around him and it slowly started to solidify.


The attacks hit the solidified mist and soon started to destroy it. It soon died down, showing the unscathed Darkness Elementalist.

His face was pale and there was slight blood on the side of his face, even though his mouth was covered with a cloth, the blood was still evident.

Just like the Darkness Elementalist, the Lightning Elementalist decided to block both attacks at the same time.

The impact of the attack rocked his innards once again, and his head as well. He could barely hear a sound and his figure fell to the ground from the sky.

The Darkness Elementalist was in a better condition when compared to him.

Grey's eyes lit up and he shot toward the man.

The Darkness Elementalist's expression changed, he could tell that he was not as fast as Grey, so escaping was not a good choice. With the Lightning Elementalist's current state, he wouldn't be able to block Grey's attack and would most likely be killed within ten seconds or so, that was not enough time to escape from Grey.

He soon came to a decision and attacked Grey.

Just when the attack was about to hit Grey's back, Grey smiled and his figure blinked, the eyes of the Darkness Elementalist almost shot out of his head.

"Wha… how's that possible?!" He exclaimed in shock.

"Don't be shocked, it's just a petty trick, nothing to be impressed about." Grey laughed.

The Lightning Elementalist screamed in pain and the life in his eyes quickly dimmed and his figure fell to the ground.

The Darkness Elementalist looked at Grey, his eyes showing disbelief. The battle hadn't been on for two minutes, but one of them had fallen to the ground, dead.

How could Grey be this powerful?

"Kid, let me go, I can give you some treasures." The Darkness Elementalist started to beg for his life.

He had given up on any thought of fighting against Grey. He couldn't win, even if he risked his life, he would still lose.

Grey laughed and said, "I don't need them. I have everything I need."

"Kid, we don't have a life or death enmity, we should just let it end here." The Darkness Elementalist said.

"You threatened me the last time, now that you see that I'm stronger, you're trying to wave that off like it never happened?" Grey asked with a cold expression.

The Darkness Elementalist paused, he recalled that they wanted to kill Grey and Gilbert simultaneously, now that he realized that Grey was stronger, he was begging him to let him leave.

"I know, but I wasn't the one who made the decision." He said in his defense.

The man Gilbert was fighting against was the one who wanted to kill the two of them, they were only following his orders.

Grey thought about it for some time, "But one of you is dead, it'll cause me some trouble if you leave alive."

"You don't have to worry, I don't know how you look, and I wouldn't even speak about this." The Darkness Elementalist said when he saw that Grey was showing some signs of wanting to let him go.

Grey froze for a while and his figure flashed through the sky.

The Darkness Elementalist was terrified and it rushed in another direction, he was scared.

Before long, the figure of the Darkness Elementalist fell from the sky.

Grey said in dissatisfaction, "He couldn't even put up a fight."

After looking around, he decided to rush back to see how Gilbert was doing.

If he was having a tough time, he would help him out.


When he got there, he was stunned to see Gilbert using the earth element.

'He hid his strength when fighting me.' He thought to himself.

When he saw Gilbert use his domain, he was stunned.

'There's something like this as well?' He was stunned.

This was the first time he was seeing this. He couldn't believe his eyes.

When he saw how Gilbert was absorbing the impact of attacks, he couldn't help but feel shocked once again.

'He's doing it with the earth element.' He quickly sensed how he was doing it, however, he still couldn't figure out how he did it.

He was still thinking when he saw Gilbert losing control.

'I see, family issues.'