
Affinity:Chaoschapter 1035: cat got your tongue?

In the building.

While Grey and the others were fighting outside, Void and the old man were still squaring off.

"You see, they are going to die, the same can be said for you." Void said with a mocking smile.

The old man's expression changed slightly, he couldn't sense anything, but from how confidently the young man who came in to see Void acted, it was clear to see that he wasn't a pushover.

"Hmm, even after exchanging two attacks, this place is still fine, is this your doing?" The old man asked as he looked around.

They had exchanged two moves, explosive moves, yet, the place hadn't been destroyed.

Just after Grey left, Void used his space element to seal the place, so there was no way the old man would be able to sense anything. With Void's new innate skill, the strength of his domain was on another level. His innate skill also worked with the space element, so they were in a completely different space.

The old man looked around and soon sensed the difference, without wasting any time, he attacked instantly. He wanted to leave this place as soon as possible. Even if the others were dead, it didn't really matter to him, all he wanted to make sure of was that he kept his life.

The old man was a Wind Elementalist, his speed was frightening, but against an experienced Space Elementalist like Void, it was impossible for him to be faster than he was.

Void used the lightning element to attack, but the old man dodged it, attacking with a cyclone that had wind blades inside. Void used the fire element to block the attack, before countering with the darkness element.

The old man didn't dare to let the darkness element touch him, he took some steps back, his body covered with the wind element, and he charged at Void.

Void vanished, and the old man didn't even stop. The reason for this was that Void was originally standing in front of the door, blocking his path. He was confident that as long as he managed to get to the barrier Void setup, he would be able to block it.

Void smiled and a golden spot appeared in front of the door. The old man was in a hurry, seeing the golden spot, he didn't even dodge it, he threw a wind blade at it, but his expression changed slightly and he was forced to halt, the explosion that followed suit was out of his expectations. Although it was not as powerful as Void's normal attacks, it was still something that would cause him some harm.

The old man looked at Void, his expression cold.

"Haha, I thought you were running, come on, go ahead." Void laughed in delight.

The strength of the spot exceeded his expectations, of course the old man was not on the same level as those geniuses from the Gnome race who attacked Grey, but he was still a powerhouse in the Elemental Venerable Plane nonetheless.

The old man didn't say anything, with a wave of his hand, a wind gale started in the room.

Void's body was covered with the lightning element and he shot forward, his size increased and golden spots appeared on his dark fur. He slammed into the old man, sending him flying into the wall. The old man used the wind element to push the wall that fell on his body.

Void was pushed back by the wind pressure, he sent golden spots to the place where the man was located.

The place exploded out, and the old man's figure appeared on the other side of the room. Void attacked the second the man stood on his feet. Given the size of the room, it was impossible for the old man to fly freely. With flight taken away, his movement was limited, Void on the other hand was not constrained by this, with the space element, he could appear wherever he wanted.

The old man dodged Void's attack and attacked with a wind blade, raising a tornado from the spot where Void was standing.

Void tried to use the space element, but the old man sensed it and attacked the space which Void was stepping out from.

Void was just coming out of the spatial tunnel when the attack arrived in front of him, he was unable to dodge it and was forced to block the attack. The impact of the attack pushed him back, giving the old man the chance he needed to attack.

The old man's strength has gone from the Second to the Third stage as the battle went on. He was forcefully increasing his stage, although it would be harmful to him, it was better than dying.

Void has noticed this as well, and knew that if he delayed, then the old man would get to the stage where he wouldn't be a match for him.

The old man continued his attack, since he had pushed Void back, he didn't want him to be relaxed.

Void used the darkness element to cover his body, making it hard for any attack to hit him. With any attack coming his way, the darkness element would help him to reduce the strength of it, and he would then use his elemental attack to destroy it.

The old man continued to mount pressure on Void, "What, cat got your tongue? Oh wait, you're a cat, did you bite your tongue? Haha."

The old man laughed in delight.

Void's expression turned unsightly, "Play time's over."

The old man laughed, he didn't feel Void could do anything to him, if he could, he would've already done it. With how Void spoke the first time, it was easy to see that he was still too inexperienced. The old man was still feeling proud when his expression changed slightly, his eyes twitched repeatedly.

"Damn." He shook his head.

Multiple golden spots appeared in the air, and the old man could sense the change in Void's aura.

'Don't tell me he was playing.'