
Affinity:Chaoschapter 1017: attack vs defense

Grey smirked, expecting such a reaction from her. His figure blinked and he appeared in front of her.

The Giant stomped on the ground and rocks sprouted out of the ground where Grey was standing and sent him into the sky.

The Giant was already waiting as her hand was swinging in that direction. Her plan was simple, as soon as the rocks shot Grey into the air, she would slap his figure away. This would present the chance she needed to escape.

To her surprise, she was able to smack him with ease, without any retaliation or him trying to dodge.


She felt something was off since she didn't get the feeling of hitting anything.

She looked again and to her surprise, Grey was still in the same position, however, her hand passed through him.

"How's this possible?" She exclaimed in shock.

Grey just smiled as he attacked.

She tried to block it but was sent falling to the ground by the impact of the attack. While still on the ground, Grey moved above her and attacked once again.

She hastily reduced her size in a bid to dodge the attack.

Grey, who was prepared for something like this had an inscription that sprang up immediately after she reverted to her human size which attacked her.

The Giant blocked the attack with the earth element and quickly retreated. It was clear that she wanted nothing to do with Grey. Anyone who could kill three people at the Peak of the Sage Plane in such a short time was no one that she should be fighting against.

Grey knew she had no intentions of fighting against him, this made his work easier. All he had to do was to fight against someone who only had escape in their head.

The young lady focused fully on defense while searching for a route to escape, and Grey on the other hand focused fully on attacking, bringing out his full potential. He was someone who was always offensive when it came to battles, so being given such freedom was not a good thing for his opponent.

Three inscriptions lit up in the sky, and the ground the young lady was standing on was lit with strange symbols. It was easy to see that the symbols were from an array that had been made in the area. In the space of a minute, Grey created an array. A Giant focused only on defending was no easy target, even though they weren't attacking.

Grey continued attacking freely while the Giant focused on defending.

Boom! Bam! Bang!

Explosions rang out from their battle.

While they were busy fighting, the others were fighting against the other two Giants. They had the number advantage at this time, nevertheless, they still didn't have the advantage when it came to the general battle situation. For instance, other than the one Liam was helping with, the other Giant had the advantage in his battle. It was even clear to see that all the young man fighting against him was doing was trying to stop him from escaping, other than that, he was taking a trouncing.

Liam was helping the other one as they tried to make the battle ended quickly. After witnessing Grey's strength, they didn't doubt him any longer and knew that he would be able to take care of the Giant he was fighting against. To some extent, they were actually waiting for him to come to help them with this one.

While the battles were ongoing, Void was standing on the side, watching, a little bored. His mission was to make sure none of the ambushers escaped, and Grey taking out three of the six people in a minute or so made things easier for him. If not for the fact that he didn't want any mishaps, he would've even taken a nap.

On Grey's end, his battle was getting easier. The Giant was injured all over and she couldn't block his attacks properly any longer. With her injuries increasing, she was having a harder time blocking his attacks.

Grey was using both the lightning and fire element for attack while he used the space element to make sure his opponent couldn't dodge his attacks.

The Giant was soon forced to increase her size, returning to the original size of Giants. Grey had an easier time targeting her, but her defense was stronger when compared to when she was the size of a human.

Grey used the fusion orb to attack. When the attack hit her on the back, she was sent flying. Even with her huge size, the impact of the attack still threw her into the air. She crashed into the ground unable to block Grey any longer.

Grey continued attacking, killing his opponent within the next minute. The large figure of the Giant lay on the ground, lifeless.

Grey knew he wouldn't have a tough time defeating his opponent since she already gave him the lead right from the start.

After killing her, he didn't stay any longer and went after the others. Of the two Giants, one of them was fighting against two people while the other was having an easier time, but hadn't been able to escape.

Grey went for the one fighting with only one person. The moment he arrived, the Giant started to panic. Grey attacked almost immediately, throwing the Giant off his feet.

The young man who was fighting against the Giant heaved a sigh of relief, and to Grey's surprise, he left him alone and went over to join Liam and the others. He couldn't help but shake his head.

He started to fight against the Giant, and before the trio could kill the Giant they were fighting, he had already killed the one he was fighting. This made the others have more respect for him. Even with three people, they couldn't kill a Giant, yet Grey was able to do it with such ease.

Unknown to them, everything happened so easily for Grey because each of the Giant he tried fighting against didn't want to fight him after he killed three Gnomes in such a short time. They weren't able to put up much of a fight because of this.