
Affinity:Chaoschapter 1007: five elements

In a building, a young man could be seen sitting on a throne while the others stood before him.

This was a prince from the Gnome race, the son of the Emperor of the Gnome race.

"Does anyone know his location?" He asked the crowd standing in front of him.

Those from the Gnome race didn't dare to venture out alone any longer, they all grouped up and rushed over to this place since they knew the Prince would always be there.

"No, he has an ability that can perfectly hide his aura from others. Only a few have seen him." Someone from the crowd replied.

They didn't know what to do about Grey anymore. They wanted him dead, but they were all afraid to go out. Grey was like the perfect assassin, especially given how he always knows where they were always hiding. He was also very efficient, killing people with as little noise as possible so others wouldn't be spooked.

They were all speaking when a rift opened up and a figure was thrown on the ground. It was a figure of a member of the Gnome race that had been killed.

They all stared at the rift, but no one else came out.

The son of the Emperor smashed his fist on the throne he was sitting on as he stood up with an angered expression.

"He's somewhere close, search for him." He ordered angrily.

Giving them orders, they all left the building, leaving only the son of the Emperor and three others.

"You three should head out as well. Kill any human you find around this place." He said to the three people standing beside him.

They were all at the Peak of the Sage Plane, so they could easily move in this place unhindered. Well, unless they were ambushed.

The trio bowed to the son of the Emperor and vanished from their location.

Grey was hiding somewhere in the building as he watched them all leave. He saw the young man at the Peak who chased him to the cave but didn't enter was among the crowd.

'What would they say if they returned and their leader was dead?' He thought to himself with a chuckle.

His plan was simple: kill the Prince before they returned. However, he wanted to wait a little longer so that he would have the chance to kill his opponent before the others could return.

Ten minutes later.

Grey finally stepped out of his hiding spot and swaggered to where the Prince was seated.

"Hi." He waved at the Prince.

The Prince looked at him, but there was nothing like surprise on his face, it was like he predicted something like this would happen.

"You took long enough, I guess you were waiting for them to be far away before you stepped out." The Prince said.

"I had to be sure, at least with this range, I can kill you before any of them returns." Grey replied.

He could already tell the Prince had a plan of fighting him alone with the way he chased the others away. With how Grey had been operating, it was safe to say being alone almost meant that he would be attacked.

"You're proud, for someone still in the Sixth stage of the Sage Plane." The Prince commented.

"I've killed a few of your people at the Peak, I shouldn't have any problems dealing with you." Grey said as his aura spiked, and before the Prince knew it, Grey's aura was at the Peak of the Sage Plane, even stronger than his aura.

"I see, no wonder you're this confident." The Prince still wore a calm expression, it was as if he didn't see what Grey just did.

"If you think you can defeat with such petty tricks, then you're a fool."

Grey moved out, appearing beside the Prince as he attacked with the lightning element. He noticed the light element had more effect, but his elemental grade for his light element wasn't as high as the lightning element, so he used the lightning element more.

Grey's attack was about to hit the Prince when he finally made a move, the attack which was already at his face passed through him, literally.

Grey was shocked when he saw this, he knew which element had this ability. It was the space element, but most people couldn't do this particular technique until they got to at least the Elemental Venerable Plane.

"Surprised?" The Prince asked with a smirk.

Grey didn't reply as he attacked again, this time, he was preparing an inscription.

The Prince moved to the left with shocking speed as he dodged the attack before attacking Grey.

When the Prince moved to dodge the attack, Grey noticed he used the wind element, the attack he did just now contained the fire element. Adding that to their natural darkness element meant that the Prince had four elements.

Grey was a little shocked since this was the first time he was seeing someone from the Gnome race who had more than two elements.

The young man looked at Grey, it was obvious he found joy in his expression. Without any further delay, he attacked Grey once again, even before his last attack had connected.

Grey dodged the first attack by teleporting to another location.

The Prince controlled the other attack to head in Grey's direction.

Grey on the other hand used the inscription he was preparing to attack the Prince from behind.

The Prince sensed the attack coming from his back and vanished from his location, appearing close to Grey as he attacked with a wind blade that shot at Grey.

Seeing the attack coming, Grey created an earth wall to block the attack.

The wall cracked when the attack hit it but didn't fall apart. The Prince appeared above Grey and attacked with a fifth element.

Large boulders appeared above Grey and instantly came crashing down.

Grey was shocked beyond belief, but he still dodged the attack first since he knew taking such an attack would hurt… a lot.