
Affinity:Chaoschapter 1003: lure them in

With a step, Grey vanished.

The young lady who was just recovering from Void's sneak attack rushed to her feet as she tried to get a good view of what attacked her. Looking around, she saw no one, not even Grey.

"Where's he?" She panicked as she went on guard.

From the last attack, she already knew Grey was not alone. Only a fool would think he was the one who did that attack. Unfortunately for her, even if she felt Grey was not alone, she couldn't confirm her assumptions since there was no one in sight.

She was still looking around when she sensed the space by her right ripple, and without even blinking, she attacked that spot.

Her attack missed since it didn't hit anyone.

"If you waited for a little longer you would've been able to hit it." Grey's voice came from behind her.

Her entire body tensed up because she didn't know when Grey appeared behind her.

She turned around with flailing arms as she attacked, trying to catch Grey unaware.

Her hands, which were covered with a black mist, were caught by a strong hand. She smiled since she knew the effect the black mist had on others, especially humans.

"You're dead." She said hatefully.

"That may or may not be correct." Grey replied nonchalantly as he threw a punch her way, sending her flying.

His fist was covered with the lightning element, so the attack caused greater harm to the young lady.

The young lady screamed in horror as she landed on the ground.

The young lady coughed out black blood as she looked at Grey, she wiped the little bit of blood that was left on her lips.

'I just have to delay a little while, the effect will start soon.' She thought to herself as she stared at Grey's hands which were still covered with the black mist.

He shook his hand casually, and to the shock of the young lady, the black mist died down.


"Nothing's impossible if you have the right methods." Grey interrupted her as he walked closer to where she was standing.

The young lady paused for some time, unsure of what to do. Grey's simple act seemed to have dampened her spirit, she almost lost all will to fight.

But she soon snapped out of it as she roared angrily, and two figures soon appeared beside her. They were obviously dead, and Grey needed no information on what they were human puppets.

The two figures were both young ladies, and each was in the Eighth stage of the Sage Plane.

Grey studied the duo with a shake of his head. They were part of the unfortunate few who would not make it out of this place.

The duo attacked the moment they appeared. One of them was a Lightning Elementalist, while the other was a Water Elementalist.

Grey didn't shy away from the fight as he entangled himself with the duo. He dodged a lightning bolt by a hair's breadth before facing a stream of water that pushed him back.

The young lady from the Gnome race didn't sit by idly as Grey was being overpowered, she rushed in to join in on the fight as well. She could already tell that Grey would be a good puppet for her, so she wanted to claim him.

If Grey knew what was going through her mind, he would laugh his head off at the thought of being a puppet to someone else.

Just as the young lady joined in on the battle and went within a certain range, Grey, who had been defending, suddenly changed his strategy. He unleashed his gravitational force field which not only pushed the puppets to the ground but their owner as well.

The ground on which they were standing lit up as a large array appeared.

The red-colored sky above shook vigorously as a thunderstorm appeared from nowhere.

The young lady was about to move when a large and powerful lightning bolt fell from the sky at an insane speed, crashing into her and her puppets.

Her shrill screams echoed as she was harmed by the lightning attack.

Void appeared on Grey's shoulder as he looked at their opponent.

"You should have at least given her some hope." He commented.

"She doesn't need it. I wonder what state she'll be in after this attack." Grey replied playfully.

The lightning storm died down, and the seemingly never-ending lightning strike disappeared without a trace.

Three figures came into the duo's view, two of them were burnt to crisp, while the last one was charred from the burns, still shaking from the electrocution, and was clearly gasping for air. The young lady survived, but it was easy to see that she would not be alive for long. She was struggling for breath as she lay on the ground.

Grey watched her for some time, and just as he was about to end her suffering, an idea popped up in his head.

'There's no harm in trying.' He thought to himself.

Walking closer, he used an array to seal the young lady's elemental powers before bending down almost to her level. His hand was covered with the light element as he tried to heal her, but to his shock, the moment his hands got close, the reaction of the young lady intensified, and before he could react, she died.

"What the hell?! I didn't even get a chance to try it." Grey looked at the dead body in dejection.

He wanted to try to see if he could use the life force of this young lady, or anyone from the Gnome race to erase the mark. Since the Gnome race was basically the ones who created this vile method, it was only right that they would be able to remove it.

Grey stayed in the space for a while longer before heading out, he needed to drag another person from the Gnome race here so he could try out his theory.